Example sentences of "[adj] [to-vb] at least [adj] " in BNC.

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1 It is generally possible to isolate at least one compelling selling feature even if it is only that your client 's product is the cheapest .
2 A six-year-old row between two Paris dealers over a FFr70 million profit made from the sale of Picasso 's 1903 masterpiece ‘ La Celestine ’ has gone to the highest legal resort after the appeal court in France , the Cour de Cassation , and looks set to last at least another twelve months .
3 A network is likely to include at least one printer and may be able to communicate with other networks or electronic devices located far away .
4 People are likely to create at least one piece of paper when making an agreement of sufficient complexity to incorporate expert determination .
5 Thirdly , even if people were inclined to shop around actively for credit , the practices of lenders themselves are likely to set at least some limits to their ability to do this .
6 The mainstream right already controls the Senate , almost all the regional councils ( 19 out of 21 ) , three-quarters of the departmental councils and a majority of the municipal councils — and now it looks likely to win at least 75 per cent and possibly as much as 85 per cent of the seats in the National Assembly .
7 The repairs are likely to cost at least 20 000 pounds … though the Rector 's hoping the national attention his spire has attracted will help with raising the funds .
8 Since large establishments are more likely to have at least one temporary worker than small establishments ( i.e. to be " users " ) , we broke down our results according to establishment size where we thought this to be relevant .
9 But no matter how fluently you speak English you are likely to have at least some problems when you write it .
10 This decree vested all powers in the SLORC , and required that a new constitution be drawn up ( by the SLORC ) and submitted to a referendum before the transfer to a civilian government — a process likely to take at least two years .
11 using such criteria it has become customary to distinguish at least four sources in the Pentateuch ( commonly designated J.E.D and P ) .
12 Not only is it a way of cheating on the partner , and likely to hurt at least one of the three people involved , but it causes damage that goes deep .
13 Despite the power of Barro 's ‘ equivalence theorem ’ , it seems reasonable to acknowledge at least some role for government bonds in the definition of NW in addition to fiat money .
14 Anyone dropping into the church any time , any day , during the sorting period would have been sure to find at least 10 people working ( ‘ sustained solely by lemon barley water ’ ) .
15 Cut them when they are about half open , but not right down to the ground ; be sure to leave at least two sets of leaves on the stem .
16 It would only be reasonable to give at least some of the credit for this successful adaptation to de Gaulle 's incessant proselytizing about the necessity of modernization .
17 It is useful to hold at least two prints of all black and white negatives and to re-order as these are sent out , and to keep black and white and colour libraries separate .
18 It 's useful to have at least one dispel magic scroll so that you can protect it .
19 This last point indicates that it is useful to introduce at least one dummy-run to familiarise children and their caretakers with the procedure prior to making the recordings to be used for analysis .
20 Crossing sets of stitches tend to draw the work in and to prevent this in part and to make crossing the sets of stitches easier , it is usual to run at least one stitch at either side of the cable down to form a ladder .
21 With the benefit of five years ' hindsight and analysis , it is possible to understand at least some of the political consequences of that sort of robust egalitarianism .
22 er , that in future , said conference would be able to pass at least one motion to the T U C Congress elect delegates to the same .
23 Thus , ME language states , being so variable , should in principle be suited to the same kind of analysis that we use in present-day social dialectology , and by using variationist methods we should be able to explore at least some of the constraints on variation that might have existed in ME .
24 Midani would be able to afford at least that , and a general offer would be cheaper for him to fund because of his existing stake .
25 ( You ought to be able to deduce at least five .
26 It is therefore advisable to give at least one annual spring treatment to all stock prior to moving to new pastures .
27 By draining meres and felling trees the inhabitants of the north Shropshire parish of Myddle were able to clear at least 1,000 acres of land between the late fifteenth and the early seventeenth century .
28 It is most important to appoint at least one Executor when you make your Will .
29 By DNaseI footprinting , we could demonstrate that the 303 bp BglI-NaeI segment ( see Fig. 1 ) , including the RARE and the 80 bp fragment , is able to bind at least two different factors , but only one , the so called footprint I , is localized in the 80 bp region , known to be necessary for full transcriptional activity .
30 You should be able to spend at least two or three hours learning with Carrie . ’
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