Example sentences of "[adj] [to-vb] themselves [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 For the most part these arose from the almost heedless manner in which Christians were prepared to identify themselves with the dominant values of secular Roman society .
2 Further , with a little prompting ( i.e. respondents presented with a standard list of classes and asked to place themselves ) the overwhelming majority of respondents were willing to assign themselves to the ‘ middle ’ or ‘ working ’ classes or some sub-division of these .
3 Patients who have had previous experience of hypnotherapy ( even if no regression was involved ) are more likely to have confidence in the technique and in its safety , and therefore are often more willing to put themselves in the hands of the therapist and trust their own subconscious .
4 For these are hyper-competitive athletes , all ex-pro American footballers or wrestlers , and not afraid to punish themselves in the cause of being The Best .
5 The Stanleys were careful to place themselves at the head of local opinion rather than ride the county roughshod and their identity of opinion with local Unionists on political and religious matters made them even more powerful .
6 The crisis revealed , however , that the king 's war no longer had the wholehearted support of the community , and more ominously , that some members of the nobility were prepared to associate themselves with the commons ' demands for concessions and reforms .
7 Few academics would think it proper to bring themselves before the reader in this way , particularly in a work of learning .
8 Management can encourage this by ‘ selling ’ a sense of the corporate ‘ mission ’ , or by promoting the company 's ‘ image ’ ; it can reward the ‘ right ’ attitudes and punish ( or simply not employ ) those who are n't prepared to commit themselves to the culture ;
9 It would not be easy to acknowledge themselves as the poor relation .
10 Generally , no fee is charged for pupillage , but local authorities do not give grants for maintenance , which has the unfortunate result that students without adequate parental means may find it impossible to establish themselves at the Bar .
11 While the underclass is composed of both black and white workers , black workers , in Elizabeth Burney 's phrase , act as a barium meal in an X-ray — highlighting the weak points — or , for our purposes , the fate of the most disadvantaged , those most likely to find themselves in the ranks of the underclass .
12 They saw the fascist stewards as the Nazi storm troopers trampling upon liberty and were quick to dissociate themselves from the image which the BUF had gained .
13 Of these 133 new Majlis members , it was estimated that some 55 were supporters of Rafsanjani and that many of the remainder were reported to be independent candidates likely to align themselves with the President 's faction .
14 However , those in the manufacturing sector and , more particularly , those in more highly skilled positions , are more likely to place themselves in the latter category .
15 In these concrete examples , here at last was literacy that enabled the poor to see themselves as the makers of their own history , with the power to change their world .
16 However , it was always possible for the rich and the powerful to isolate themselves from the consequences of industrial growth by moving away from the factory areas to the more tranquil and less squalid atmosphere of the countryside .
17 The Government encouraged heating and ventilating and plumbing and electrical to remove themselves from the scope of the CITB .
18 The observers were also especially impressed by the collective concern for those who showed signs of being unable to support themselves at the local level :
19 Rather , while ageing is often experienced as a disruptive life event , some people find that they are able to accommodate themselves to the changes — both practical and emotional — in their lives .
20 If the Declaration of Rights gave the Tories the sort of legal assurances they wanted , to what extent were they able to accommodate themselves to the break in the hereditary succession ?
21 Such a statement is misleading , because it seems to imply that the Tories were Jacobites at heart ; in fact , most Tories were able to accommodate themselves to the break in the succession which had taken place in 1688 – 9 .
22 As we have already seen , Tories were largely able to accommodate themselves to the Revolution ; most could accept William at least as de facto ruler , and some , following Edmund Bohun , were even able to rationalise the events of 1688 – 9 in such a way as to conclude that William was also monarch de jure .
23 The net effect of these injunctions ( as well as others we shall meet later ) is to ensure that the natural inability of human beings to respond ‘ perfectly ’ to all situations , however demanding or paradoxical , is construed by those human beings as clear evidence of personal inadequacy : they lack the ability , resilience or ready-made savoir-faire that they somehow ought to have , in limitless supply , if they are to be able to look themselves in the eye in the bathroom mirror each morning .
24 It is certainly true that in many cases warts will regress and even disappear without any treatment , but it is unclear why this should happen and there is no way of predicting which sufferers will be able to rid themselves of the warts or how to stimulate the body 's defence to that end .
25 The general health of older people might be improved if they were able to rid themselves of the many ageist attitudes that surround the issue , and were able to feel more positive about their health prospects .
26 This condition is met wherever there is value in people being able to express themselves in the way they choose , at least where acceptable alternatives present themselves .
27 Schools were started in the monasteries , for Charles proclaimed that ‘ Men of God should not only live by the rule and dwell in holy conversation , but should devote themselves to literary meditations , each according to his ability , that they may be able to give themselves to the duty of teaching others . ’
28 And without doubt , many birds as well as pigeons , are able to guide themselves by the earth 's magnetism .
29 Although girls may be understandably reluctant to expose themselves to the stares and comments of other girls and boys , their views and experiences of contraception and motherhood could be very relevant and helpful to others of their own age who are still at school .
30 These witches are the ‘ middle class ’ of respectability , always concerned to distance themselves from the first group and ever keen to present the acceptable face of natural religion .
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