Example sentences of "[adj] [conj] none [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 There was disappointment , however , as it became clear that none of the 10 water companies are likely to get into the FTSE index of the hundred biggest companies .
2 From our results , it is clear that none of the mutations introduced in the different tRNA Asp variants considerably affected the synthesis of m 2 G at positions in the aminoacyl-stem and D-stem ( Table 1 ) .
3 But although the literature on these questions is very large and continually increasing , it is very clear that none of the specialists concerned know any of the answers .
4 Yet it is one of the most distinctive brachiopods in the whole record and it has internal structures which make it clear that none of the abundant brachiopods in the strata above or below could possibly be classified as even distant relations .
5 We have made it explicitly clear that none of the changes that we propose , either in tax or in national insurance contributions , will make a penny difference to any individual earning less than £21,000 a year .
6 It is possible that none of the top three will take the honours , for Edinburgh Civil Service are once again coming with a tremendous run , reminiscent of last season , when they fell at the final hurdle .
7 She slipped quietly out of the hotel , grateful that none of the other cast members were around to witness her departure , and made her way to the car park .
8 WITH ALL THIS BRAVADO it 's rather ironic that none of the performers would tell me their real names .
9 The storyline was too far-fetched and none of the actors was particularly good . ’
10 All this is generally freely given , which is fortunate since none of the clearinghouses has a budget with which to buy published material .
11 Indeed , there is now little or none of the traditional progression or interweaving of rock climbing and other mountain activities .
12 MI5 agreed to give what help was necessary so it is fairly obvious that none of the security services took Eden 's directive seriously .
13 The murmur of amusement that ran round the gathering made it obvious that none of the women present saw this as a hardship .
14 She paused and peered down the rocky road to make sure that none of the children who lived in the lower houses had followed her .
15 I 'm sure that none of the Springbok players will have felt like that as they came off the pitch , but , in the long run , the losses will benefit them .
16 He closed the album carefully , making sure that none of the loosened pages could fall out and give him away .
17 To make sure that none of the macho details went to waste , the full , inside story of Washington 's awesome display of military prowess was entrusted to Steven Emerson of US News & World Report , who had shown in the past that he knew how to treat a government ‘ scoop ’ with respect , and who could be relied upon to resist the kind of sceptical impulse that sometimes afflicts reporters with a wider readership .
18 The bald man looked around to make sure that none of the ‘ businessmen ’ were in earshot .
19 As we discuss the changing role of the traditional high-street off-licence , it is all too plain that none of the first six customers have browsed or bought wine or done what the market research says they should be doing .
20 If Burun 's refusal to place himself in a position of prominence by acting as Artai 's proposer was a subterfuge to disclaim his influence , then it was apparent that none of the Khans recognised it .
21 But although he listened politely to these ideas , Thornton became irritated that none of the people had done any business sums .
22 And although it 's beautiful , it 's also child-proof — the slipcovers are machine washable and none of the ornaments are valuable .
23 Naturally , apart from the accusation of hypocrisy and of letting Britain solve its marriage problems , the government ends up being accused of allowing divorce for the wealthy and none for the poor , as the cost of going to and staying in Britain and paying for the legal procedures is beyond the pockets of the majority .
24 The line labelled unc horizontal because none of the three variables of which it consists depends on national income .
25 Anxious that none of the drama should be missed , commanders had planned the landing to the second .
26 It is therefore surprising that none of the articles includes any mention of the costs that might be incurred .
27 Certain that none of the men on the Flounder would have survived , she named each of them .
28 But the UK 's headlining musical guests are surprised that none of the staff seem to know their records or videos ( shown to the point of saturation on MTV and BET ) .
29 She was aware that none of the men except Luke took her seriously as a player .
30 It is perhaps significant that none of the last four Lord Chief Justices — Lords Goddard , Parker , Widgery and Lane — had been law officers .
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