Example sentences of "[adj] [conj] nothing [prep] the " in BNC.

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No Sentence
1 It left open the question of whose money had paid for the House of Fraser but made clear that nothing in the career of Mr Mohamed Al Fayed could account for such new-found wealth .
2 The experience made me deeply grateful that nothing of the same kind , at least with current technology , can be deduced from prose .
3 But the states for which the nineteenth century had been a success story , Germany and still more Great Britain , showed little or nothing of the desire for officially-backed dissemination of their culture and advertisement of their intellectual achievements which was so noticeable in France .
4 The spectacle last week of 400 officers in riot gear running round the Broadwater Farm Estate and finding little or nothing in the way of drugs reminded me of Sir Robert Mark 's definition of a good police force as one which employed fewer criminals than it caught .
5 My early assumptions as a reader were that black people signified little or nothing in the imagination of white American writers .
6 The sort of windows that need little or nothing in the way of treatment are usually narrow slits of glass , small ovals , round , arched , stained and etched glass windows that only show a glimpse of the outside and are often unopenable anyway .
7 Critics pointed out that at the time of the White Paper and in the process of polytechnic designation there had been little or nothing in the shape of academic planning .
8 The CDP had welcomed the broad direction in which the CNAA 's discussions had been going in 1975 , but liked little or nothing in the Partnership in Validation document .
9 He lost little or nothing by the concession and , as we have seen , the papal letters had for some time indicated the likelihood of such a solution being acceptable at Rome .
10 But on the contrary , this world of ‘ it was rumoured ’ and ‘ that may well have been so ’ followed at once by ‘ it is more likely that nothing of the sort happened ’ — again in the opening paragraphs — is as exhilarating as the challenge of life 's opacities to a healthy curiosity .
11 Ace ducked , certain that Defries would land on top of her and then equally sure that nothing of the sort was about to happen .
12 As long as nothing from the Titanic is raised — and the American Congress has decreed the hulk of the doomed liner to be an international memorial which must remain inviolate — the market for historical items genuinely connected with the ship should be safe .
13 It soon became evident that nothing of the kind was forthcoming : the racist strictures of the War Office prevented promotional possibilities , blacks were not even allowed to join in combat with the enemy .
14 We have horses , so fruit trees were obviously omitted , as were many of the most beautiful species such as beech and oak ( beech mast and oak apples can be poisonous or at the least a cause of colic ) , chestnut trees were crossed off because of the conker collecting problem — small boys of all ages are very determined that nothing in the way of fencing should stop them finding conkers .
15 The kiss was light , delicate , softly sensual and nothing like the prelude to fire and passion and glory .
16 You spent some time describing how the linesiders were disappointed but nothing about the sterling work done by the loco department at Loughborough to put matters right and ensure a full days running on the Sunday .
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