Example sentences of "[adj] [prep] the beginning [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The construction is , of course , that of the ordinary attributive adjective , the adjective which is the exponent in observable syntax of the subordinate property in the intensional structure : The essentials of the notation , for any who have taken the option of arriving at this point direct from the beginning of Section 1.2 , are as follows : The basic elements in constructing linguistic expressions are assumed to be two : E = entity notion ; and P = property notion The basic relations have these symbols : = = equation ; = qualification = assignment The direction of the arrow and the arrowhead indicates which is the major and which the subordinate item in the formula ; it does not refer to order of appearance in surface form .
2 When the house was empty at the beginning of the century following the owner 's death , some village children crept into the orchard and began to collect apples .
3 The fees alone amount to between £6000 and £10,000 for the three years , payable at the beginning of each year .
4 £2,300 shall be payable at the beginning of the shoot period or on 27 November 1989 , whichever is the earlier
5 In Sinhalese imagery the two ends of a coconut represent respectively the penis of a man and the breasts of a woman and the preliminary separation of the two ends is appropriate at the beginning of a wedding which is to unite male and female .
6 If this was true for Stendhal at the beginning of the 19th century , it remains so for increasing numbers of us at the end of the 20th .
7 The term formative is fairly obvious for the beginning of a development process so , also , the term expansion for the next stage .
8 Baxter 's influential friends had secured for him four of the ablest barristers in the land , but it was obvious from the beginning of the trial that Jeffries had already decided what the verdict would be .
9 One million children are estimated to have become infected since the beginning of the epidemic , including 500,000 who have developed AIDS .
10 The press had been hostile at the beginning of the 1974 general strike , but swung over to a more balanced view once the electric power went off and the country came to a halt .
11 It was equally hostile at the beginning of the 1977 one , but when no dramatic evidence of success materialised , such as the lights going out across Belfast , it continued hostile .
12 For example , it may appear at the beginning of a statement ( You know , it 's time we talked ) , but it is distinctly unusual at the beginning of a question ( You know , is it 6 o clock ? ) or a command ( * You know , shut the door ) , or an exclamatory or minor sentence ( one does not say , after banging one 's thumb with a hammer , * You know , damn ! ) .
13 Under this system tenants paid low annual rents and a large entry fine at the beginning of their tenancy .
14 You 're at your most passionate at the beginning of July and a honeymoon at this time will be a wonderful experience .
15 Moreover , the high estimates of press influence on international relations which were widespread by the beginning of the twentieth century , and which have been repeated by some historians , were much exaggerated .
16 The last instant of the flattening of the cushion , we are inclined to think , will be simultaneous with the beginning of a causal circumstance for the cushion 's being other than flattened .
17 We drive into Denver ten minutes late for the beginning of the show .
18 There is ample evidence , however , that the anatomical and neurochemical requirements for pain perception are present from the beginning of the second trimester of pregnancy and are reasonably well-developed by 30 weeks gestation .
19 It has been present from the beginning as a primitive rhythm , that element associated with the ‘ auditory imagination ’ of poetry , and so with the savage in the jungle and his gods , ‘ His rhythm was present in the nursery bedroom …
20 In a sentence such as ( 30 ) , the event saw obviously can not be conceived as existing before the beginning of the crossing : ( 30 ) I saw him cross the street .
21 This has obvious consequences for the use of the infinitive : since operative know evokes the following of the infinitive 's event from beginning to end through direct experience , there is no way to conceive know as existing before the beginning of the event perceived , and therefore no to before the infinitive .
22 Although FDI had been substantial from the beginning of the twentieth century , it really took off in the 1950s , as a result of the flow of funds from the United States into Europe aher the Second World War .
23 Embalming would not have allowed for this and , had the person not been dead prior to the beginning of the operation , he certainly would be once it was all over .
24 An Easter examination schedule would follow the same pattern while in July the examinations committees would meet on the Tuesday and Wednesday of week 13 rather than immediately prior to the beginning of the following term .
25 The full circle of control might start up to eighteen months prior to the beginning of the financial year in question and involve discussions between the PESC and the government departments over initial estimates , and present them to Cabinet in the November preceding the start of the financial year ( April ) .
26 The town , which been evacuated prior to the beginning of the war , was only lightly defended by allied troops .
27 The package was to be incorporated within a supplementary budget due to be presented for Diet approval prior to the beginning of the new fiscal year on April 1 .
28 The Australian Labor Party Premier of Queensland , Wayne Goss , vowed to change court rules to oblige jury members to declare possible conflicts of interest prior to the beginning of trials .
29 Although not sufficient to restore the LDP 's overall majority in the upper chamber , it was a considerable improvement on the party 's disastrous performance in the 1989 election — where it had lost its majority — and was better than had been generally predicted prior to the beginning of the campaign .
30 Almost non-existent at the beginning of the 1980s , rail carryings of this commodity had assumed significant proportions by the end of the decade , showing Railfreight both eager and able to adapt to new opportunities .
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