Example sentences of "[adj] [verb] support [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 The French gave support to the Scots who , from very early on in the new reign , caused trouble in the north ; while to the west , in Wales , where Owain Glyn Dŵr was to rise against English rule in 1400 , French troops landed and at one time might have been seen in the Herefordshire countryside .
2 The absence of this arrangement in Nucella lapillus lends support for the separation of Nucella from Thais .
3 Social democratic policies of state intervention and Ostpolitik were now in favour with the electorate , especially among young people and , after the liberal reforms at the Second Vatican Council , even Roman Catholic voters were prepared to lend support to the SPD .
4 Mr Gould is likely to gain support from the Left-inclined sections of the party at Westminster , in the constituencies and in the trade union movement although he envisaged an end to the influence of the trade union block vote in party affairs .
5 This being found somewhat lukewarm , somewhat unsatisfying and unsatisfactory , the formulation was amended and became : that Bert and Jasper were empowered by those present to offer support to the Irish revolutionaries , and ask to be given concrete tasks .
6 The Taillefer brothers were still able to find support within the Angoumois , notably from the lords of Archiac and Chalais .
7 In the latter — the steppe and woodlands inhabited by Tatars , Altaians , Kirgiz , Buryats and Mongols — the Russians had to wage war against formidable enemies who were not only capable of putting up resistance to incursions into their territories , but also able to obtain support from the larger communities of Turkic-Mongol peoples to whom they were related .
8 It was foreseen that difficult situations might arise in the operation of such a scheme , for example two elderly dementia sufferers could live next door to one another , one able to receive support from the action project and the other not .
9 the military leader who is concerned to win support of the troops to pursue the goal of military victory ;
10 Whatever you decide about pregnancy , it is advisable to seek support from the sources that will allow you to come to your own decision , in your own time , and not force you to make a decision that is based on their belief and judgment rather than yours .
11 Even with the support of Meretz and the five Arab seats , of which Hadash took three and the Arab Democratic Party ( ADP ) two , this would give Labour and its supporters only a one-seat majority unless Rabin was able to gain support among the 16 religious party Knesset members .
12 Carnival co-ordinator Malcolm Vincent and his team are keen to encourage support from the villages that come within the Alton Lions ' service area .
13 The questionnaire did not ask about specific help to assistants from the LEA support services but , instead , looked at special needs support to the school as a whole .
14 A further reshuffle followed on March 15 , 1990 , in what was seen as an attempt by Mwinyi to secure support in the Cabinet for a new investment code [ see below ] , which had reportedly provoked dissent among some socialist ministers .
15 Lord Hope , the Lord Justice-General , said : ‘ Banks in this country and their employees are entitled to expect support from the court and they will receive that support .
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