Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] stood [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 For a few years a lean-to building stood against the remaining old wall which sheltered the homeless and I have spoken to one old inhabitant of Halling who remembers coming to the village as a young child and whose parents , being unable to afford other accommodation , sheltered there .
2 The uniformed figure stood in the doorway , eyeing the occupants of the cell impassively .
3 A saline drip stood like the Angel of Death beside the bed , a pipe leading to one of her arms which lay by her side atop neatly folded sheets .
4 Old Den stood at the opposite side of the grave with Tommy Drennan , each with a cord ready to help lay Celia and Dermot Murphy to rest .
5 Underneath that I have another article to which was kicked out sometime later but I have it in here , it says , raid on Gdynia would surprise to Nazis to say refugees in Sweden tell how the non Germans cheered in the streets but the two refugees eye witnesses to the American Bombing Attack on Gdynia , October ninth , reported here that the raid caught the Germans by surprise and that non German workers stood in the streets and cheered amid terrific destruction .
6 Lina , her mother Dolores , and old Abuelo stood at the door as the congregation filed in , gossiping and excited , as the band played and the organist competed with it .
7 Old Red stood by the locker .
8 A man and an old woman stood near the body .
9 A rush-seated wooden chair stood by the well , in the shade of a fig tree .
10 A tall slim man stood in the doorway to the bathroom .
11 Other cottagers the teacher from Glasgow visited gave him a proof of their kindness ; they presented him with a large basin of milk : he took a drink of it , and would have left the remainder , but they signalled to him to drink it all , and the old man stood opposite the door to prevent his getting away till he was obliged , in answer to Gaelic gesticulations , to drink all the milk that was in the basin .
12 As such it is a fragmented account but a spectacularly bloody one , punctuated by occasions when the whole of the Old World stood on the brink of destruction .
13 A room which served Coleridge in a different way stood at the back of the house on the first floor : this was Tom Poole 's vaulted bookroom , created by him early in 1795 and filled with a wide-ranging library which helped to reconcile Coleridge to the loss of his frequent visits to the City Library in Bristol .
14 Fletcher Grange High School stood at the intersection of two main roads , a large , long , white building surrounded by playing fields , lawns , tennis courts , outbuildings and an intricate arrangement of gravel paths .
15 An empty bottle stood beside the bed .
16 Six empty barrels stood on the main dining table of the best restaurant in St Denis .
17 The chief superintendent stood by the window watching the descent of the autumn sun through a cobweb of grey cloud , his hands in the pockets of his trousers , which , Blanche noticed , were always slightly too tight .
18 A baptismal font stood near the doorway , a row of squat white pillars on either side of dark transepts , then through a rood screen into a plain , stone sanctuary .
19 At the trial , 10 individual defendants stood in the dock along with three corporate defendants — County NatWest , Phillips & Drew and the NatWest Investment Bank .
20 While the Feldwebel was talking to the driver of the car , the little soldier who was coming as an additional escort stood by the suitcase .
21 The tall hard-faced woman stood by the fire , watching the small flames flicker on the dying coals , and then , with a deliberate effort of will , she dismissed the thoughts and memories .
22 A naval officer stood on the sand ,
23 Two blue-dark deer stood in the road , alerted .
24 A sad little grave stood by the side of the church , with some lines by Yeats himself as an epitaph .
25 New ideas and a ‘ revolution of aspiration ’ through higher real wages around the 1850s may have persuaded populations that economic advancement was possible away from subsistence agriculture into manufactures , services , and cash agriculture and that large families stood in the way of it ( Lesthaeghe 1983 ) .
26 Some large investors stood on the sidelines , happy to have moved money out of UK companies earlier in the year to overseas markets .
27 It seemed to her that a start had been made on the rubbish ; yes , it had , and some filled sacks stood by the hedge , the plastic gleaming blackly .
28 The cantor , the rabbi , the chosen laymen stood before the open Ark , cradling the Torah scrolls , which looked like stiff-necked royal children , and returned them one by one to their golden stall .
29 An electric fire stood in the fireplace and above it there was a large-scale Ordnance Survey map of the town and district .
30 A small electric fire stood near the piano on the stage .
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