Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] [prep] the whole " in BNC.

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1 The most admirable part of the whole affair was the undeviating loyalty of his wife , Valerie Hobson , with whom I had had some encounters previously , when she was married to Anthony Havelock-Allan .
2 Do you make distinct sounds for each of the vowels , or do you use pretty well one indeterminate noise for the whole lot ?
3 This vaccine is a chemically inactivated preparation of the whole simian immunodeficiency virus , or SIV .
4 Perhaps deities were transported in ships to describe a magic circle of divine protection round the whole island .
5 So far so good — but this still left me with what was to prove the most controversial part of the whole social security review .
6 The purist may object to Mark II BR coaches in SR green , but for the general public , this would be unnoticeable , and presented a clean and coherent look to the whole train .
7 It would have been humanly impossible for the early Christians to alter the economic base of the whole Roman Empire .
8 The accredited representatives of foreign States participating in the investigation should be attached to him rather than to a particular group , so that they have a complete appreciation of the whole picture .
9 Regional unemployment and regional recession are an economic loss to the whole nation and they will not rectify themselves on their own .
10 Relationships can be far freer within a secure framework than when partners or children have to take into account the possible collapse of the whole basic structure .
11 Instead of staying carefully on his side of the screen — ‘ She goes left , I go right ’ — he suddenly stepped forward , centre stage , out of his position , out of the whole plot of the operetta , threw out his arms in the great expansive sexual gesture that never failed to work with the audiences , and began to sing in front of Therese , ignoring the screen , ignoring the action , making a total mockery of the whole theme of a bride and groom who marry without knowing who they are .
12 Given the growth in his ordinary income and the difficulty of estimating its size in the early years of his reign , it would not be very useful to work out an average of the total revenue over the whole reign .
13 If you want a stable boat for the whole family to use and generally potter around in , you might choose a larger cruising dinghy .
14 The government laid down extensive amendments at both the Committee and Third Reading stages of the Bill , such that one MP considered that there had been a ‘ complete rewriting of the whole Bill ’ and another that it ‘ has become virtually a Government Bill ’
15 It is a pilot project in that , if the method produces sound estimates of the effect of planning controls on land values , further research could establish the total effect for the whole country and estimate the consequences of that for the economy .
16 These occurred at different times down the whole length of the front , from Haj Omran in the mountains of the north to the marshes in the south .
17 One camera position is for wide-angle views of the whole scene , while the nearer position in the foreground covers the details of the action .
18 The process is continued in this way simply using the granule as the intermediary to transfer a 500th of a drop instead of the direct addition of the whole drop as is the case with the centesimal 1:100 ratio .
19 Now , on April 9th , they decided to mount a full-scale offensive along the whole Verdun front , on both banks of the Meuse ; doing what should have been done on February 21st .
20 The patient 's affected side should work again with proper co-ordination within the whole body system .
21 Only the hideous over-dubbed ( or double-tracked ) crowd noise at the start endangers the gutsy honesty of the whole thing .
22 A fresh look at the whole process was needed , and it was felt that this could be achieved by taking a systems view , unbiased by what was then happening in practice , ie before the Act took effect .
23 Over the next three decades , many theologians took a fresh look at the whole subject of human sexuality .
24 Does my hon. Friend consider that it is time to take a fresh look at the whole question ?
25 What accounts for these social improvements across the whole field of human affairs , between your age and mine ?
26 Investiture was the symbolic part of a struggle behind which there were fundamentally different views about the whole ordering of society and about who was the divinely appointed agent for that purpose .
27 In order to make available a single comprehensive Report covering the English curriculum for the whole period of compulsory schooling , we have included in this Report material from our first Report — revised and extended to reflect the needs of the secondary curriculum or to present our arguments more clearly .
28 These are maintained schools which provide education for school pupils and mature students alongside social , recreational and cultural activities for the whole community .
29 There was 73% public support across the whole European Community .
30 Above all there was rank disbelief at the figure of 542,000 dead which Hitler gave as the total German losses for the whole war .
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