Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] [prep] workers ' " in BNC.

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1 We then move on , in Chapter 4 , to examine in detail the various arguments put forward about the likely effects of technical change on workers ' experience of their jobs .
2 Government industrial policy could make all the difference between a demoralising defeat for workers ' initiatives taken at enterprise level , and the development of inspiring examples of ‘ workers ’ plans ' for socially useful production , popular accountability of management and workers ' self-management .
3 Mr Baker , who said society had become more violent and more selfish , made an indirect attack on the Archbishop of Canterbury , Dr George Carey , and other church leaders , calling on them to concentrate on juvenile crime instead of the European Social Chapter on workers ' rights .
4 From the 1880s thousands of activists began to establish direct contact with workers on the factory floor and acquired detailed knowledge of workers ' conditions and grievances .
5 But despite last night 's developments , Mrs Thatcher is still likely to be in a minority of one — both on completion date for monetary union and on her continued opposition to the European Social Charter of workers ' rights .
6 She had already found herself in isolation over progress to monetary union and the endorsement of a social charter of workers ' rights , and it became clear that the new European Community order would be built on an even closer alliance of France and West Germany .
7 The point has been made more generally by Eldridge in his historical survey of workers ' resistance ( 1971 , pp.45–64 ) .
8 Without this " attraction " it was hardly to be expected that rural labour markets could clear themselves through falling wages , since they were already so close to the level of subsistence that a further lowering would have reduced the productivity of labour via its depressing effect on the calorific value of workers ' diets which would no longer have sustained the same work effort .
9 ‘ There is no third way for Poland , ’ says Mr Jan Litynski , a former member of KOR , the pre-Solidarity Committee for Workers ' Defence .
10 Romania has many joint party-state organizations such as the Supreme Council for Economic Development , the Central Council of Workers ' Control of Economic and Social Activity , the Defence Council and the Council for Socialist Culture and Education : ‘ These organizations provide an infrastructure for blending party and state activities ’ ( Szajkowski 1981 , p. 47 ) .
11 Does the Minister recall that when we discussed these matters during the passage of the Finance Bill the then Financial Secretary , now Chancellor of the Exchequer , expressed passionate enthusiasm for workers ' control ?
12 In a 1952 revolution they overthrew a military regime and won nationalization of the large mines under workers ' co-management .
13 While all the studies used for this paper do not attain this ideal , the effort to articulate material that is not readily available through more conventional studies of workers ' images of society , for instance , may serve to make some point in the social landscape between the ‘ centres ’ of workers ' and managers ' worlds and that of social scientists .
14 In February 1990 the National Federation of Workers ' Unions of Benin ( Union nationale des syndicats des travailleurs du Bénin — UNSTB ) was weakened by the decision of the postal and telecommunications workers ' union to split from the UNSTB and declare itself autonomous ( the second defection after that of the Higher Education Union in August 1989 ) .
15 Oakley compared housewives ' feelings about the various domestic tasks with workers ' feelings about their jobs as revealed in Goldthorpe et al. 's ( 1968a ) study .
16 Dismissal therapy … the use of drug tests has lead to a US legal battle over workers ' privacy rights PHOTOGRAPH : N. SAGANSKY
17 Jordan , Egypt and Turkey had earned substantial revenues from workers ' remittances and trade with Iraq and Kuwait ; some middle-income countries such as India relied heavily on oil imports from Iraq and also benefited from sizeable remittance flows ; and for some low-income countries , including Pakistan , Sri Lanka , Bangladesh and the Philippines , the loss of remittances and the rising cost of oil imports were expected to slow growth rates to an average of around 1.5 per cent by 1991 and add some $3,000 million to annual Third-World debt interest payments .
18 It is particularly notable that neither in the mines nor in the other industries nationalised at that time was there any substantial movement towards workers ' control .
19 In summary , increased polarization in workers ' commitment to the labour movement is associated with a fall in membership , but wage changes are ambiguous .
20 In the long history of workers ' education the role of the RBs has an important place : from the early days of University Extension , through the founding of the WEA , and the development of Trade Union education , the idea of ‘ education for citizenship ’ to enable a genuinely participative and egalitarian democracy to emerge , has been central .
21 A rise of between 17 and 20 per cent was agreed , amounting to £64 a week , a dramatic demonstration of workers ' power .
22 Old-style movements for workers ' control are no longer feasible in a world of transnationals and global production and semi-skilled labour .
23 Dame Margaret Cole , for instance , suggested that the General Strike killed off the ‘ romantic vision of workers ' control ’ .
24 Paradoxically the introduction of the state pension seems to have ended independent activity by workers ' organizations , with even the Durham miners ' scheme fading out between the wars .
25 They had wrested factory management from the hands of the very right-wing Congress of Mining Industrialists which had disallowed even neutral forms of workers ' control in 1917 .
26 Article 2 , which sets out the general areas of workers ' rights , simply spells out many rights that already exist in law , or have been present in well-unionised work places for years before Thatcherism .
27 Similarly , a good deal of attention has been directed to the important and topical issues of workers ' participation in enterprise decision-making , along with ‘ international ’ studies concerned with the operation and labour relations implications of multinational corporations .
28 But precisely how this power was to be used to reach what appears to be the ultimate goal of workers ' control is not conceptualised .
29 There has been considerable interest in recent years in the idea of motivating increased labour productivity and improved economic performance through various schemes for workers ' participation such as profit-sharing and employee stock-ownership plans .
30 However that may have been , there is no doubting that at plant level and in two cases ( the Scottish Daily News and KME ) an ideological perception of workers ' control precluded the effective delegation of executive authority to management .
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