Example sentences of "[art] chance [to-vb] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 And Wolves should have had a second penalty after Regis had apparently set up Kelly but Sandford 's challenge went unnoticed by Mr Harrison , Stoke escaped and Wolves were denied the chance to regain the lead .
2 ‘ Is n't it a wonder , now , ’ said Phil , seizing the chance to turn the conversation his way , ‘ That shaggin' chancer of a Dagg from Belfast did n't claim his dirty water could cure cancer too ! ’
3 This need not be so , and the small trouble involved is well worthwhile , for the chance to watch the behaviour , and see the young grow up .
4 The United manager added : ‘ The trouble is these days youngsters play so much they do n't get the chance to watch the game from the terraces and get a passion about it , like my generation .
5 You wo n't be asked to mend fences or brand steers , but you will have the chance to watch the ranch hands — the wranglers — at work ; go riding or walking , or take a drive into town for some shopping .
6 The route to this prediction is a little roundabout , but the resulting inequality ( on p. 76 ) gives the experimenter the chance to decide the issue between locally realistic theories and conventional quantum mechanics .
7 Had he not done so , another hon. Member would have obliged , and we would have had the chance to debate the matter and to make the points which have been made with such eloquence and fervour on both sides of the House .
8 We have written back to about 200 of them offering them the chance to attend the gymnasium . ’
9 It might seem churlish to ask for flavour as well as the chance to save the planet , but it used to be there before the planet needed saving .
10 Only they have had the chance to view the Earth from this unique vantage point — until now .
11 Psychologists will say this is because these people lack real power at work , like the chance to drive the company into bankruptcy .
12 Actors who train and go to drama school are usually on grants from local education authorities and to deny them the chance to join the profession — or at least compete properly — is ridiculous .
13 As well as the chance to witness the climax of the men 's and women 's World Marathon Cup and watch a friend or relative struggle over the line , the tickets also include breakfast at a London hotel , once again courtesy of adidas UK .
14 Tony 's brother now wants to know why a jury was n't given the chance to examine the evidence put forward at the compensation hearing .
15 Catalogues and mail order services share the disadvantages of offering a limited selection , and , more importantly , not allowing you the chance to examine the item until it arrives at the door .
16 Douglas , the leading US maker of pan washers for the bakery trade , provides a profitable US base and the chance to undercut the market by setting up more cost effective production facilities based on Lincat 's UK operations .
17 A simple free outside the circle gave Ian Murphy the chance to put the home side ahead .
18 And a computer-aided textile design system … ’ she began formally , keen to grab the chance to put the firm in a good light .
19 Do we get the chance to put the union point of view across ?
20 ‘ It is something that tends to live with you for a long time but at least we now have the chance to put the record straight and show that we , too , can play a bit .
21 ‘ So just make sure you get the bastard if I 'm not given the chance to do the job myself . ’
22 These kind of questions give the client the chance to set the worker 's view straight .
23 In the course of our case studies , we found that programmers/analysts capable of working in certain specific software/hardware areas ( for example , IBM System 38 , PICK ) were extremely scarce , in some cases so much so that " nobody is training them any more " ( since high turnover rates meant they would not have the chance to amortise the training investment ) .
24 You passed up the chance to go the pit then ?
25 After the rash of Chinese shots by Western photojournalists that followed last year 's student uprising , Zeng Nian 's views of Peking come as a welcome and refreshing change , giving us the chance to see the country through Chinese eyes
26 Here is the chance to see the direction alternating for the first time .
27 Following a couple of dummy runs CLASS Central Livestock Auctions Satellite Sales which uses a split screen technique offered buyers the chance to see the stock on offer and the actual bidding .
28 Do n't miss the chance to see the Lord Mayor 's Samuel Bequest pictures
29 A complete insight into how Northampton 's local evening newspaper is produced and the chance to see the Chronicle and Echo rolling off the presses .
30 In practice , of course , most horses absolutely love the chance to explore the countryside , with all its exciting smells , sights and challenges .
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