Example sentences of "[art] need [to-vb] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The first is the ethical difficulty associated with the need to give a patient the treatment that is believed to be best for him or her as an individual rather than what the statistician 's random allocation might assign .
2 This is partly explained by the high level of assumed shared knowledge in science and by the need to give an impression of objectivity in both genres .
3 Other countries seem to have recognised the need to give the police full investigative powers as well as treating hacking simpliciter as a relatively serious offence . ’
4 The need to assess the likelihood of possible future changes in the climates of the world provides a strong reason for encouraging research on these problems , and is reinforced by the recognition that human activities are developing towards a scale from which significant effects on world climate might arise within the next century …
5 A social worker may need to be aware of those aspects , and of the need to assess the client before forming a social care plan .
6 Packing can usually be replaced without the need to turn the water off , but this will require the removal of the tap head and the ‘ easyclean ’ cover .
7 Many sauropods , in spite of their ever-growing height spurred on by the need to reach the foliage of trees growing ever higher , had hollowed out , weight-saving vertebrae and a pelvic girdle described by one writer as being like a suspension bridge , with the massive erect hind legs acting as the down-pillar , and the long torso and rigid tail acting as the cross-span .
8 But , they do seem to stress the way the changes in democratic practices were merely responding to the need to adapt the US model to Japanese values as though there were a collectively agreed set of values to call upon .
9 A second study will examine lessons which the teachers reckon to embody good practice , first to chart how good , primary school history teaching proceeds , and secondly , to clarify the relationship between the planned and the delivered curriculum , with particular reference to the way teachers combine the disciplinary demands of teaching history with the need to adapt the discipline to their conception of child development .
10 When buying a property on a registered building estate or other development in respect of which the layout plan has been lodged and officially approved , make your search on Form 94B , when ( unlike other searches against part only of a title ) reference to the approved plan avoids the need to enclose a plan with your search .
11 Those who stress reversal see the process as one that has been led from the top , using the need to accommodate the reforms to Japan 's particular social system in order to legitimate the changes .
12 A third possible concern is that both may conflict with some human end , perhaps the need to control a population of deer or to eat meat , in which we take an interest .
13 Although the 1992 reforms are intended to create a single market for labour , as well as goods and services , both the French and West German delegations expressed doubts about the need to control an influx of immigrants .
14 The agricultural quality of the land and the need to control the rate at which land is taken for development are among the factors to be considered [ in assessing planning applications affecting agricultural land ] , together with the need to facilitate development and economic activity that provides jobs , and the continuing need to protect the countryside for its own sake rather than primarily for the productive value of the land .
15 The way these various aspects of current Roman catholic social teaching were presented in the Irish constitution can hardly be taken as fulfilment of the need to reflect the opinions of the majority of the republic 's population .
16 It has not been sufficiently sensitive to the issues which divide and potentially destroy us , or to the need to renounce the legacy of patriarchal relations in our own behaviour .
17 Other fans may feel the need to embellish the stories about what hooligans do , but the embellishments stop short of pure fantasy .
18 Thus was born the hardware of the BR Sprinter units , but their business environment needs discussing in depth because of the fundamental re-thinking which resulted from the need to maximise the potential of those trains .
19 Microsoft Word for Windows users can go one better , and scan text straight into their documents , since WSP comes complete with a macro ( and its installation facility ) to let you do precisely that , cutting out the need to save a text file and insert it into the Word document .
20 The procedures employed to conduct the second multi-agency enumeration survey were similar to those adopted in the first survey , the main differences being the need to revise the agencies employed to enumerate problem drug users ( see Parker et al .
21 In addition , the conference was forced to accept the need to organize a campaign to compel the National government to drop its policy of non-intervention , an action which led to the formation of the Spain Campaign Committee .
22 Interests theories degenerate into the pursuit of patterns of distributive justice instead of circumscribing the scope of protected autonomous action by reference to the need to respect the liberty of others .
23 Because of the need to respect the sensitivities of foreign States , careful limits are set to the power to make orders :
24 It eliminates the need to search the file sequentially .
25 What could be more desirable than the need to evaluate the work of our schools ?
26 The need to evaluate the impact of particular innovations is now well recognized .
27 Bearing in mind the threatened penalties to be imposed by the Registrar of Companies for late filing of accounts , meetings were arranged for formal approval of the financial statements by both the directors and members on 28 July 1992 , and I emphasised to my client the need to lodge a copy of the accounts with the Registrar by the end of July .
28 ( Because it obviates the need to collect the spot as well as the futures prices , S t has been replaced in some empirical work by F t ; see , for example , Dusak , 1973 ) .
29 Having found the key to changes in terms of the need to manage the politics of reproduction more effectively , she tends ( in theory , at least , since her own empirical analysis is rather more flexible ) to follow the perceived logic through , so that the conclusion is that local government is being reorganized more or less in line with changes in the organization of major capitalist enterprises .
30 This line of argument is tied in with analysis which stresses the need to regulate the money supply in order to maintain stable prices , as the only sustainable form of growth policy .
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