Example sentences of "[art] decision [to-vb] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Telling someone about the decision to take the test will mean that they will probably ask about the result .
2 With England being sorely demolished , the decision to take the trophy to Paris , strongly criticised by some sections of the English media , was fully vindicated .
3 The decision to turn the Cup into a huge entertainment event has been made because of the massive fan following which Jack Charlton and his Green Army have built up in their battle to qualify .
4 The decision to release the hostages came in response to appeals by the Libyan leader Col. Moamer al-Kadhafi .
5 This brings me to Mr. Collins ' third point : did fairness require that Winchester should be notified before the decision to serve the intervention notice was reached ?
6 S. , who had already been charged with numerous offences arising from transactions to which the documents were germane , sought judicial review of the decision to serve the notice .
7 Lautro 's Rules have now been amended but when the intervention notice was served on 31 October 1990 , they were defective in not giving a right of appeal to a person or body in the position of W. Plc. , and in not giving such a person the right to have the decision to serve the notice rescinded .
8 In my view , when the intervention notice was served on 31 October 1990 , Lautro 's Rules were defective in not giving such a right of appeal to a person or body in the position of Winchester , and in not giving such a person the right to seek to have the decision to serve the notice rescinded .
9 The decision to split the test may have been a political one .
10 This fills the gap caused by the decision to split the book into two parts when the 3rd edition was brought out .
11 The decision to transform the capital city of Romania and the housing of the vast majority of the population was taken with political priorities uppermost in mind .
12 In it , Younger stressed the need for additional alternatives to custodial sentences , which had been implicit in the decision to ask the Council to undertake the enquiry .
13 In a Commons motion they say they deeply regret the decision to shut the hospital which they argue is a direct result of Government reforms in the National Health Service .
14 In a Commons motion they say they deeply regret the decision to shut the hospital which they argue is a direct result of Government reforms in the National Health Service .
15 Yesterday , fire chief Bob Batchelor defended the decision to call the emergency tender out to Felixstowe , Suffolk .
16 In all situations the decision to call the police should as far as possible be taken after consultation with the appropriate manager .
17 Jazz , as she had guessed , was disappointed at the decision to call the challenge off .
18 Transport and General Workers Union official Kevin Coyne hopes councillors will overturn the decision to move the traders at the appeal .
19 The decision to move the account out of Menten Dupin Branford White without a pitch has been described as ‘ amicable ’ .
20 It is understood that GGT pitched for the company 's media business as early as last August , without LH-S ' knowledge , and the decision to move the account was taken before Christmas .
21 Further indications of the sudden demise of the ‘ design ’ era — in the wake of redundancies and bankruptcies — are the cancellation of this years ' London 's Designers ' Saturday and the decision to move the Salone del Mobile in Milan to April next year .
22 According to coeditor and exhibition curator , Richard Kendall : ‘ The decision to publish the symposium papers was taken to provide a more leisurely and less highly charged opportunity to study the issues , and to bring new material and new insights to the attention of a wide audience ’ .
23 With so many pages , the decision to divide the paper into separate sections : home and foreign news , society and culture , economics and business news with special supplements , books and ideas on Friday , arts and listings on Thursday and a radio/television guide at the weekend , has been dictated by the problems of readability as much as anything else .
24 The siting of a settlement is very closely connected with the decision to use the land around for subsistence agriculture .
25 The decision to use the army was taken by the Health Secretary , Mr Kenneth Clarke , despite the fact that ambulance staff are still offering emergency cover .
26 The decision to use the army was taken by the Health Secretary , Mr Kenneth Clarke , despite the fact that ambulance staff are not on strike .
27 The decision to use the army , even though ambulance crews are not on strike but still offering to provide an emergency service , was taken by Mr Kenneth Clarke , the Health Secretary , as Mr Duncan Nichol , the National Health Service chief executive , told the Guardian that the Government 's negotiating position included a desire to offer extra pay to paramedical crews .
28 The decision to use the bomb remains the most controversial and probably the most important of the Second World War .
29 Whilst there is no way at present to test whether this bacteria is carried , or if immunity to the toxin is low , awareness of the problem can minimize the risk , or the decision to use the tampon can be taken .
30 Aquino , who had insisted that foreign nationals were safe in the Philippines , criticized the decision to suspend the volunteer programme , saying that it had been made hastily and without consultation with the host country .
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