Example sentences of "[art] position [to-vb] the [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 We are now in a position to examine the implications of the prevailing ideological climate for the policing of public-order situations during the coal dispute .
2 On the other hand , it is conceivable that he would not have been in a position to appreciate the differences very clearly .
3 You 're hardly in a position to preach the virtues — why have n't you married ? ’
4 For these reasons , universities across the country must be in a position to extend the benefits of a higher education to all sections of society .
5 When will you be in a position to defend the interests of Welsh Members in this Chamber ?
6 It is not hard to see why , since we are not in a position to evaluate the merits of different population distributions in any meaningful way .
7 Gaug has been in a position to evaluate the drivers who have used his Goodyear tyres .
8 The Dawson International Executive Share Option Scheme 1993 ( ‘ the Executive Scheme ’ ) provides for share options to be granted to those senior employees who are most in a position to affect the fortunes of the Company .
9 Hence , the receiver may not be in a position to sell the shares .
10 We therefore have to be in a position to share the dreams and the understandings of those people who we believe are making the running for tomorrow , wherever they may be .
11 I felt I was fortunate in being in a position to brighten the lives of radio listeners .
12 Holmgren , though , is being careful not to raise expectations : ‘ We are in a position to make the play-offs and that is a great thing for everybody .
13 Even though the arrangements made by London had gone wrong , she had still found herself in a position to fight the Nazis .
14 If that comes off , we could be in a position to buy the premises and re-open the club . ’
15 The Royal Commission did not believe that the existing local authorities were in a position to meet the challenges they had identified .
16 Clause 8 provides the necessary precautionary provision to prevent the buyer claiming that he has the right to intellectual property arising out of any development work which the seller has had to effect in order to put himself in a position to supply the goods under the contract .
17 But clearly I 'm not in a position to reveal the results of of that work in advance of it put into my memory .
18 Where the outgoing partner joins another firm as a partner he would be in a position to influence the actions of that firm .
19 And plus the fact that they suppose , I suppose will be in a position to , if he does alright , be in a position to know the firms that er , that employ 'em .
20 However , a statement of opinion by someone in a position to know the facts will be regarded as a statement of fact .
21 Teachers in schools being tested are thus powerless , since they have no control over the measures used and are not in a position to dispute the findings ( although this depends on how the results are used , and if , for example , they are published ) .
22 This has been in part because the universities have a perfectly general responsibility for disseminating among schools up-to-date advances in knowledge and theoretical changes within disciplines , but also , more specifically , through the Local Examination Boards they have been in a position to determine the syllabuses for public examinations , and so to a large extent to dictate a curriculum even for those pupils at school who may never themselves enter the door of a university .
23 The membership was to include appropriate volunteers who had knowledge of ‘ education and of other conditions affecting young persons ’ , and who were in a position to advise the exchanges .
24 In this article , Ross acknowledges the current pressures upon arts education are such that it would be unwise for any arts teacher to declare ‘ UDI ’ from the examination system , hence his decision to aim his argument against examinations in the arts at headteachers , who are in a position to remove the arts from this form of damaging restriction by placing them within a protected , and non-examined core .
25 Divided élite leading the assault upon itself may be in no position to withstand the pressures of a restless population .
26 The Romanovs reimposed military governors and the townsmen were in no position to challenge the demands made upon them .
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