Example sentences of "[art] court [to-vb] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 A company may by a special resolution of its members alter its memorandum with respect to the statements of its objects , subject to the power of the court to cancel the alteration .
2 In form it is an application at the suit of C.N.L. as a third party for the court to release the appellant from his implied undertaking pursuant to which discovery of the P.C.A. documents was given under the court 's order of 9 July 1991 — released that is to the extent of permitting him to disclose the documents to C.N.L. , they for their part undertaking to the court to hold them for the strictly limited purpose of defending the libel proceedings brought against them by Woodley and Clifford .
3 By a notice of appeal dated 20 May 1992 the health authority appealed on the grounds that ( 1 ) the court had no jurisdiction to grant a mandatory injunction requiring a health authority to cause specified medical treatment to be given , alternatively , no jurisdiction to order it to cause such treatment to be given against the professional judgment of its servants or agents ; ( 2 ) the judge had erred in holding that he was not bound by the decision in In re J. ( A Minor ) ( Wardship : Medical Treatment ) [ 1991 ] Fam. 33 to hold that there was no such jurisdiction ; ( 3 ) there had been no material before the court to justify the judge granting a mandatory interlocutory injunction since ( a ) there was no evidence that the health authority owed J. any enforceable duty to provide the ordered treatment , or that such treatment would be in his best interests ; ( b ) there was uncontradicted evidence before the court that the treatment ordered would be painful and ineffective to give J. a prospect of long term survival and ( c ) there was no material establishing that there was a reasonable or any prospect of a final order being granted in the terms of the interlocutory order ; ( 4 ) if the court had jurisdiction to make the order the judge erred in the exercise of his discretion in that ( a ) he had failed to give sufficient weight to the uncontradicted medical evidence or to the undesirability of seeking to force a doctor to act against his professional judgment and/or requiring the employer of the doctor to do so , ( b ) he had failed to consider that the order was capable of interfering with the health authority 's duty to care for other patients , and ( c ) by its terms the order was too imprecise to enable the health authority to be able to ascertain how it should be complied with .
4 However , since the court held that a requirement that the crew reside on shore in the member state in question was not related to the aim of the quota system , no reason can be seen which might induce the court to take the view that residence and domicile requirements imposed on all owners and operators of fishing vessels and on 75 per cent .
5 Furthermore , the resolution of both of these issues would require the court to evaluate the merits of alternative business policies which as we will see below , is something that they are most reluctant to do .
6 However , if he fails to do so can he still ask the court to examine the contract in the light of the restraint of trade doctrine because of the existence of the public interest ?
7 Where the fund of damages is likely to be substantial , including future nursing costs and the like as well as loss of earnings , an accountant 's evidence can help the court to decide the multiplier , as well as the multiplicand , for example in the case of a one-man business where the accountant has been concerned with the accounts over a number of years and is in a position to give an expert opinion as to the future prospects of the business .
8 It was not necessary for the court to decide the issues raised on the ground that the judge was wrong to treat the proceedings as properly constituted representative proceedings , although the vital importance of the making of an application under Order 5 , rule 5(2) promptly and before judgment was observed .
9 It is for the court to decide the weight which should be given to statements which are not made on oath and can not be tested by cross-examination .
10 A woman who claims she was sexually assaulted at work wants the court to disregard the fact she used to be a man .
11 If a more than reasonable time has elapsed since the engrossed conveyance or transfer was submitted for execution by the husband , then the steps set out in Chapter 8 are a guide as to the procedure to be followed before application is made to the court asking the court to execute the conveyance or transfer on behalf of the husband .
12 It was not for the court to manipulate the sentence ; this was a matter for the exercise of the Royal Prerogative of mercy .
13 the court to notify the Director General of all unjust transactions
14 Several men were convicted by a jury even though the evidence which was laid before the court to support the charge was inconsistent .
15 Further , the 1943 Act empowers the court to order the buyer to pay a reasonable sum for any benefit he has received under the contract .
16 The lawsuit asks the court to order the state registrar of vital records to inspect all documents concerning Presley 's death , including an autopsy report that Tennessee courts have refused to make public .
17 Sir Ian wants the court to order the Bar Council to bring charges of professional misconduct , which can lead to disbarment , against Mr Samuels .
18 Accordingly article 12 comes into operation and renders it mandatory for the court to order the return of the child forthwith .
19 You then request the court to order the sale of the assets so you can recover your debt .
20 On the same day the target will normally issue the originating summons for leave from the court to order the meeting of shareholders .
21 However commonsense has prevailed and in Re Transatlantic Life Assurance Slade J. felt able to hold that ‘ the wording … is wide enough in its terms to empower the court to order the deletion of some only of a registered shareholder 's shares . ’
22 The judge , Justice James , explained that ‘ it is the duty of the court to watch the situation and see that certain questions are not asked and , if they are asked , to see that they are not answered ’ .
23 The way in which this is worked out in law may be that it would be an abuse of the process of the court to allow the creditor under such circumstances to sue , or it may be , and I prefer that view , that there is an extinction of the debt ; but , whichever way it is put , it comes to the same thing , namely that , after acceptance by the creditor of a sum offered by a third party in settlement of the claim against the debtor , the creditor can not maintain an action for the balance … .
24 ‘ Reverting to the decision at first instance in the Leighton case , the report of the argument shows that the provisions of section 82(1) and ( 2 ) of the Act of 1925 were drawn to the attention of Luxmoore J. We feel no doubt that he would have appreciated that , even in the absence of a successful plea of forgery or non est factum , the section would in terms have conferred a discretion on the court to rectify the charges register , even as against the innocent chargees .
25 Parents are likely to seek contact orders if they can not agree reasonable arrangements with the local authority and would like the court to define the frequency , nature or location of contact .
26 If doubt exists where any agreement will be carried out , it is advisable to request the court to adjourn the proceedings sine die .
27 Formerly , the rule permitting recourse to earlier statutes was taken to allow the court to compare the wording of a consolidation Act with the Acts that it superseded , and to conclude that variation of wording indicated a change of meaning .
28 If the interim payment was specifically assigned to one head of damage ( eg on account of nursing services or the cost of a specially modified bungalow for a quadraplegic ) there is no difficulty , and the note at para 29/11/2 of the 1993 White Book encourages the court to assign the payment to special damages to simplify the calculation of interest at trial .
29 At the hearing of this motion counsel for Smith & Jones argued that as there was a genuine dispute as to the sum of £750 , it was an abuse of the process of the court to let the winding-up petition continue .
30 However , subject to the power of the court to extend the time under s 376 , no application to reverse or vary the decision of the trustee rejecting a proof will be entertained unless notice of the application is given before the expiration of twenty-one days from the date of service of the notice of rejection ( r 6.105 ) .
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