Example sentences of "[art] few [noun pl] later as " in BNC.

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1 ‘ He 's a manager , your dad , is n't he ? ’ asked Jamie Shepherd a few minutes later as they bounced round a corner with the old van rattling as if it was going to shake itself to bits at any moment .
2 She walked into the sitting-room a few minutes later as he was replacing the phone .
3 The same unfortunate landlord returned a few days later as we were playing forfeits , and made no mention of the fact that one person was in a bra and panties with a colander on his head , another had wellingtons on filled to the brim with curdled milk and the rest of us had false moustaches drawn on with an indelible black magic marker .
4 The joke turned against me a few days later as we were preparing to go alongside a ship at Baltic Wharf on the river Crouch .
5 His knowledge of Birkdale paid off handsomely a few years later as he accompanied Arnold Palmer to Palmer 's first Open win .
6 A few seconds later as the aircraft gains more speed , it will need more forward movement to prevent it from unsticking with the tail-wheel or skid touching the ground , and climbing away too steeply .
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