Example sentences of "[art] [noun sg] to reduce the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Treasurer Keating had used high interest rates as his main weapon in the struggle to reduce the country 's current account deficit , but they had been for blamed for contributing to the loss of business confidence .
2 During the rest of the month sterling was adversely affected by uncertainty in the UK over the Maastricht Treaty ratification process and by unrest over the decision to reduce the size of the coal industry [ see this page ] ; the pound closed on Oct. 30 at DM2.41 .
3 Merrill Lynch found only a minority of companies would take a tough line — only one in seven firms would start to charge the current rate of interest and one in six would apply pressure on the employee to reduce the price of the old house in order to sell it .
4 Even when this distinction is drawn , to the extent that the growth of trade unionism throughout the nineteenth century was a response to the power of local monopolies , unsafe working conditions , the use of physical violence by employees and the attempt to reduce the members of the work force to a situation of total dependency on the owners — a de facto form of slavery — then I believe that as Christians we should applaud the attempts of trade unionists to establish a more just and humane economic order .
5 ( p. 73 ) That particular movement , essentially the attempt to reduce the facts of mentality to the measurable facts of bodily movement , has rightly collapsed .
6 Such alterations ranged from the introduction of record cards with ‘ unique ’ The 1944 Education Act assessment of character in Sheffield to the attempt to reduce the age-range of candidates in Caernarvonshire to those between the ages of ten and thirteen .
7 It recognised that the plan to reduce the size of the armed forces between 1992 and 1995 would inflate the normal 1,000 leavers in Scotland in 1993 by a further 500 compulsory redundancies .
8 Five minutes before the end of the first-half Danny Kaleopa scored again for the Samoans , but Greg Townsend kicked a penalty in the last minute of the half to reduce the Samoans ' advantage to four points at 12–8 .
9 In addition , there has been strong support for the proposal to reduce the scope for intimidation and fraud by requiring strike ballots to be conducted by post and to be subject to independent scrutiny .
10 Although many gliders have a spring or bungee in the circuit to reduce the snatching loads at higher speeds on the approach , this is seldom powerful enough to prevent them sucking open if they are unlocked .
11 MANY of Scotland 's leading companies want the Chancellor to reduce the tax burden on businesses while increasing income tax rates for individuals .
12 Underlying the whole market is , of course , the desire to reduce the amount of manual intervention required for the production of printed or published material .
13 At a time when the need to reduce the size of the public sector is paramount , we do not believe that this is a justifiable way to spend the money of taxpayers and ratepayers .
14 The worst feature of the recession has been the need to reduce the number of staff , including some with very long service .
15 The section on commodities extended the provisions of the convention in this area to minerals and metals ( in addition to agricultural products ) , and stressed the need to reduce the dependence of ACP economies on unprocessed products by means of diversification and the development of processing , marketing , distribution and transport activities .
16 And now erm draft advice in P P G thirteen emphasizes the need to reduce the need for travel .
17 Such major changes of strategy are n't made without sacrifices , and the consequent upheavals took a certain toll at Cadbury 's , not least of which was the need to reduce the work-force .
18 Manufacturers have been particularly active in finding new permanent magnets , spurred both by the cobalt crisis in the late 1970s and by the need to reduce the weight of the materials — dozens of magnets are hidden away in cars , electronic devices , computer disc drives etc .
19 Practice may vary but it is usual to restrict fibre in the diet to reduce the bulk of faeces .
20 Both sides had agreed before the strike to reduce the working week from 43@1/2 to 40 hours .
21 The Law Reform ( Contributory Negligence ) Act , s. 1(1) directs the court to reduce the plaintiff 's damages to the extent that the court thinks just and equitable having regard to the claimant 's share in the responsibility for the damage .
22 E-mail offers the chance to reduce the amount of paper moving between staff within RBGE , and the Strategic Plan for Information Services envisages us making increasing use of this facility for internal communication .
23 A considerable improvement can be achieved by removing the front springs individually , placing in a strong vice and slackening the centre bolt , undo the vice to reduce the tension allowing the leaves to separate slightly .
24 For long-term picketing out , the main wheel can be run into a hollow or trench in the ground to reduce the wing incidence and to lower the wings still further .
25 Venetiaan stated his desire to reform the Constitution to reduce the involvement of the army in internal affairs .
26 Representatives of all parties subsequently met with Kohl on Sept. 27 but rejected CDU proposals to change the Constitution to reduce the numbers of people seeking asylum .
27 Darren Kerry bought his house for sixty three thousand pounds with two brothers but after losing his job he fell behind with his mortage payments … he begged Citibank , with whom he had the loan to reduce the payment … he even found a buyer prepared to pay sixty three thousand pounds … but with interest he then owed sixty five thousand pounds … and Citibank apparently refused to allow him to sell it …
28 Antibiotics were also prescribed for 48 hours prior to the operation to reduce the bacteria normally present in the bowel .
29 For years , I have wanted the Government to reduce the speeds of lorries and buses going down the M1 and the M6 , but Europe did it .
30 The budget for the fiscal year 1990-91 , presented to the House of Commons on Feb. 20 , represented further efforts by the government to reduce the budget deficit .
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