Example sentences of "[art] [noun sg] to take the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The prioress instructed the porter to take the body into the nearby infirmary , ordered the crowd to disperse and asked one of the sisters to extend hospitality to the pedlar .
2 Pinchbeck 's return coincided with the 10th anniversary of Magnus production and he welcomed the opportunity to take the asset through a critical phase of its field life second time around .
3 The calves were to feed then , and the milk put through the separator to take the cream off .
4 Two holes were cut in the large tank , one in the bottom to feed the pump and the other at the end near the base to take the sump drain .
5 He got the board to take the initiative in asking for a League inquiry , hoping that in return the sentence would be a light one .
6 Our marketing our marketing er group has gone around to all the erm er the clients within that market place erm , well not all of them at least they 're gradually going round signing the contract to take the product .
7 Telling someone about the decision to take the test will mean that they will probably ask about the result .
8 With England being sorely demolished , the decision to take the trophy to Paris , strongly criticised by some sections of the English media , was fully vindicated .
9 Christopher Pitchford , QC , prosecuting , told the jury : ‘ Whatever their feelings were on the home of an elderly woman being broken into by a gang of drug-crazed teenagers , it did not give anyone the excuse to take the law into their own hands . ’
10 Where the Buyer intends to use the goods at work , the Seller supplies the goods on the basis that the Buyer will ensure , so far as reasonably practicable , that the goods will be safe and without risks to health when properly used , and that prior to delivery the Buyer will sign and return the written undertaking attached hereto as Annex A obliging the Buyer to take the steps specified in that undertaking to ensure this .
11 Helping the sufferer to take the risks of self-disclosure and to acknowledge the need for emotional and practical support and help from others .
12 In rcording a verdict of accidental death the coroner Nicholas Gardiner said what caused the driver to take the action he died will never be known .
13 And then he took the soap from her , and made her stand still under the pummelling water , while very slowly he soaped her , and used the flannel to take the soap away .
14 The significance of the service lies in the attempt to take the process away from them and place it under the control of national and local welfare élites .
15 I suspect that the Secretary of State 's inability to press that policy on the industry , and the industry 's failure to adopt it voluntarily before now , has done much to heighten public awareness of the reticence of the Secretary of State and of the industry to take the issue as seriously as they might .
16 This easing of border controls appeared to be an attempt by officials on both sides of the frontier to take the heat out of demands , expressed since the December 1989 Romanian revolution most vociferously by radical supporters of the Moldavian Popular Front , for Soviet Moldavia 's reunification with Romania .
17 Making overtures towards another who mirrored our own disquieting and long-buried Chinese identity was both a fearful and exciting prospect , and neither of us quite got up the nerve to take the initiative .
18 In these circumstances there was ample justification for the council to take the view that it was expedient in the general interests of the inhabitants to take such steps as were necessary to ensure compliance by the appellants with the laws of Sunday trading .
19 Whoever came in first turned on the electric heater in the hall to take the chill off the house , and then lit the gas fire in the kitchen .
20 Vass reached across the desk to take the file of designs from her .
21 To revert to the metaphor of weighing , in choices of means the traveller would be the weigher , but in this choice of an end he is the arm of the balance , and when the information is assimilated the impulse to go prevails over the reluctance to take the risk as the arm goes up or down when the balance is fully loaded .
22 Since the Vendor will have entered into the relevant contracts in the first place it is for the Vendor to take the risk as saying whether or not the contracts fall within these categories .
23 For Calatin 's soul to be rescued , one of the three travellers must lose his soul in return , and for the Lad to take the soul , it must be one of the Mortals who invited him in .
24 In order without being registered , to entitle the seller to take the proceeds of sale in priority to the buyer 's other creditors , the contract should , it seems :
25 But as Christine was leaving the orphanage to take the blood sample to Bucharest , she heard a child screaming .
26 Despite its shortcomings and my own , working on Switchboard gave me the tools to work out some sort of political consciousness , the level of articulacy required to stand up for what I started to believe in and the confidence to take the sort of shit that comes to any woman who does that , anywhere .
27 But cutting this benefit will throw up hard cases , what worries a Tory elder is the way younger MP s approach the decision whether to support the Government on a pick and mix principle , he says , they no longer see the need to take the rough with smooth , to vote for the things they detest as well as those they like .
28 Firstly , the need to take the use of collections into full consideration .
29 Do you have the right to take the documents out to look at them a and read them ?
30 A row of buses waited outside the station to take the racegoers away to a variety of outlying motels , and a long new coach with darkly tinted windows was set aside for the owners .
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