Example sentences of "[art] [adj] [noun pl] committee of " in BNC.

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1 Personally , I think that if we can obtain in Cambridgeshire a federation of WEA student groups which will be represented on the Rural Areas Committee of the Extra-Mural Board in the same way as we are represented by a kindred federation in Bedfordshire , there will not be anything lost from the WEA point of view , in the Board being recognised as the responsible body .
2 I am delighted that it has now decided to co-operate with the Government and solve a problem that I brought the regional affairs committee of the European Parliament over to look at 14 years ago .
3 Should the judges take it into their heads to question this ‘ authority ’ ( as occasionally they have ) then much of it is not too difficult to discount , as being obiter dicta , or as relating only to a rather narrow , specific point , ( e.g. the effect of a fraud on the Private Bills Committee of the House of Commons ) and leaving untouched the broader general question .
4 The bill passed by the armed services committee of the House on July 31 cut $24,000 million from the administration 's request .
5 The legislation was worked out by conferees from the armed services committee of both houses , who described the spending plans as a road-map for guiding the US military into the post-Cold War era .
6 As long ago as 1976 , the marine resources committee of the FAO believed that ‘ populations of all three dolphin and porpoise species were probably being exploited in the Turkish fishery at levels they would not be able to survive for more than a few years . ’
7 As the Public Accounts Committee of the House of Commons had demonstrated , however , neither the Government nor the health authorities had accurate information on the exact numbers employed or any sensible means of controlling numbers .
8 Most of the new agencies are answerable to the appropriate minister and their chief executives are answerable to the Public Accounts Committee of the House of Commons .
9 ‘ What is even more disturbing , ’ the Foreign Affairs Committee of the US Congress said in a letter to Dr Banda dated 3 April , ‘ we have been told that several members of the Malawi Congress Party have called for the bishops ' death by an orchestrated mob . ’
10 The Foreign Affairs Committee of Britain 's Parliament said recently of this forum : ‘ It is accountable to no one .
11 US Secretary of State James Baker , addressing the foreign affairs committee of the House of Representatives on June 13 , said that the stance of the new government could be summed up as " there will be no dialogue unless the Palestinians accept our position in advance " .
12 In an address to the foreign affairs committee of the House of Representatives on Sept. 4 , Baker reiterated the aims which Bush had outlined in August [ see p. 37638 ] .
13 Michel Vauzelle , head of the foreign affairs committee of the National Assembly ( French lower house of parliament ) , travelled to Baghdad on Jan. 2 , holding talks with Aziz and ( on Jan. 5 ) with Saddam Hussein .
14 Al-Masri , formerly chairman of the foreign affairs committee of the lower house of parliament , the House of Representatives , had voiced stronger support for the Iraqi position on the Gulf crisis than al-Qasem .
15 Numerous politicians and government officials visited Algeria , Morocco and Tunisia including Michel Vauzelle , head of the foreign affairs committee of the National Assembly ( French lower house of parliament ) who had visited Iraq in January [ see p. 37934 ] .
16 On April 23 the foreign affairs committee of the US House of Representatives authorized $475,000,000 as emergency assistance for Iraqi refugees .
17 The foreign affairs committee of the House of Representatives heard evidence from Sick and Bani-Sadr .
18 This , it was argued , could be achieved by the establishment of a parliamentary standing committee to supervise its conduct ; the Foreign Relations Committee of the American Senate was often quoted as a possible model .
19 The Social Services Committee of the House of Commons continues to stress that ‘ the Government should acknowledge that improving health services and expanding services as dictated by the twin demands of demography and technology will not be cheap . ’
20 At local level , responsibility for child care rests with the social services committees of the local authorities .
21 The Social Affairs Committee of the Economic and Social Research Council decided in 1983 that a national time budget study would be relevant to its general policy aims .
22 MANY travellers from British regions have to go to Holland to pick up inter-continental flights , Mr David Spooner , chairman of the Joint Airports Committee of Local Authority Airports , said yesterday .
23 In addition to his work promoting the Contagious Diseases Acts , in the 1860s he also served on the Parliamentary Bills Committee of the British Medical Association , helping to draft legislation on habitual drunkenness , infant mortality and the examination and registration of midwives .
24 The General Purposes Committee of Leeds DASA linked arms with the Fisheries Management Committee to complete a netting operation on a private stillwater .
25 The chairman qualifies for election to the Physical Sciences Board as an official member , and , if elected , is a member of the General Purposes Committee of that board .
26 By the time of the Fair Wages Committee of 1908 , T. E. Naylor of the LSC was able to report that the only " serious competition " between men and women compositors outside Scotland was in " Reading , possibly Dunstable , Wolverton , Bushey and Maidenhead " .
27 He was giving evidence to the Welsh Affairs Committee of MPs in the Commons on the role of the authority .
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