Example sentences of "[art] [adj] days of the " in BNC.

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1 Gary was a steady , reliable , unspectacular right-back , who joined the Palace at Alan Mullery 's instigation in January 1983 and certainly helped to bolster our somewhat suspect defence in the trying days of the early mid-1980s .
2 Finding a hot and filling breakfast that 's acceptable during the eight days of the Passover is n't easy .
3 He was ‘ Lord Haw-Haw of Hamburg , in the darkest days of the war when Britain fought on alone against the might of the Fascist dictators . ’
4 But Bella Latimer , she decided , was the kind of woman who would go on getting what she wanted even in the darkest days of the war .
5 But even in the darkest days of the war , there was time to laugh , especially over the Government issue underwear .
6 A SONOROUS voice from some unseen depth wafts the audience back to the darkest days of the Raj where murky affairs were afoot , when life was cheap , gentlemanly double-dealing was routine and deeds could be done and curses uttered which would pursue a man back to civilisation and England .
7 Perhaps they had discovered and used their secret love-nest during the lazier days of the summer .
8 The L N E R and L M S. And er I could see then that I knew that superintendent in the private days of the railways .
9 In the halcyon days of the 1960s , it was lower than is dreamed of now : inflation and unemployment shuffled along together comfortably within ranges of , respectively , 0.8%-6.3% and 1.5%-2.6% .
10 In the 19th century , biologists , growing up in the halcyon days of the Industrial Revolution , saw all life as a struggle to survive .
11 Bill : There 's something I 'd like to mention before we go too far away from the halcyon days of the gay movement .
12 This is all a far cry from the halcyon days of the mid 80s when investors almost felt they had a vested right to 20 per cent per annum plus returns on a year by year basis .
13 Times change ; the magic of those last lingering minutes of twilight on one of the longest days of the year , still remains .
14 The carefree days of the Easter holidays were over .
15 By Leonard Barden THE EASY Soviet victory in this week 's world team championship at Lucerne recalled the palmy days of the 1950s when the generation of Botvinnik and Smyslov , Bronstein and Keres , outclassed opponents .
16 The palmy days of the 1930s are treasured , with centrally set statue and a memorial room in Torre Abbey to Torquay 's most famous daughter , Agatha Christie .
17 This may have held good in the palmy days of the 1960s for some authorities , but even then not for many ( see Danziger , 1978 ) .
18 Nothing is barred in the crime novel , however much was barred in the old days of the detective story when , for instance , sexual relations often seemed confined to one person expressing just the discreetest interest in another .
19 In the old days of the large mental hospitals , all specialist treatment was either provided at the hospital or not at all .
20 In the old days of the dance halls people could turn up separately and get a dance .
21 Bert Howe was a consistent , reliable and determined full-back , who signed for us just after Christmas 1958 and first appeared for the Palace in the dark days of the 4th Division , but who proceeded to help us secure a place in Division Two .
22 Charlie Chaplin was without doubt a major figure during Hollywood 's inception , a star who stoutly refused to play ball with Senator Joe McCarthy 's communist witch-hunt in the dark days of the Fifties .
23 He had been told that the Chairman had with a handgun shot dead a general who had dared to argue with his strategy during the dark days of the war .
24 ‘ We recall the long established principle of the UK Parliament , stretching back to 1860 and before , and reasserted even during the dark days of the Second World War , against taxing knowledge , reading , ideas and the demand for literacy and information .
25 In the dark days of the Southern Capital under Akhenaten , Nubenehem had told him once , a father who had sold his daughter into prostitution sometime later visited the City of Dreams to watch a session : his daughter , whom he had never touched himself , was one of the participants .
26 And er we cast during the dark days of the war , when toys were n't available , we a few older blokes er apprentices used to I remember being at it for a couple of hard week we had a hard week , well evening during the evenings anyway .
27 Since the dark days of the eighties we have consistently sold for less than players were worth .
28 But before then The Battle of the Atlantic Suite will have been released on compact disc , depicting a Murmansk convoy in the dark days of the war .
29 In retrospect , it seems that genuine concern on the part of the experimenters was communicated to the subjects to provide a potent source of suggestion that they should suffer symptoms of paranoia and hallucinations , and a cumulative sleep loss over the six days of the experiment combined to provide a fertile ground for the production of these symptoms .
30 Between them these two young women filled the vacuum of French life in the dying days of the Fourth Republic awaiting De Gaulle 's return to power .
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