Example sentences of "[art] [adj] few weeks the " in BNC.

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1 For the first few weeks the cast used the bedrooms as dressing rooms .
2 Over the past few weeks the British parliament 's National Heritage Committee has conducted a public inquiry to find an answer .
3 In the past few weeks the government has once again blocked an attempt to give disabled people legal protection against discrimination .
4 For the last few weeks the baby inside her had been making itself felt .
5 Over the last few weeks the villagers had noticed how his moods changed from wild despair to feverish excitement .
6 Well obviously the last few weeks the eastern Mediterranean has been hit very badly erm but even as from yesterday places like Cyprus are starting to come back very quickly .
7 In the next few weeks the size of the picket increased , reaching 2,500 on 23 June .
8 For the next few weeks the debate on the reforms rolled on .
9 During the next few weeks the thoughts continued to come and go .
10 In the next few weeks the scientists of the West were split into two groups : should or should they not try to make an H-bomb ?
11 In the next few weeks the writing of that book was to be a lifebelt .
12 IN THE NEXT few weeks the common toads of Britain ( Bufo bufo ) will converge upon lakes and ponds intent on reproduction .
13 For the next few weeks the male passes food for his entire family through this hole until the female breaks the wall down and leaves the hole to help him collect the increasing quantity of food demanded by the growing chicks .
14 In the next few weeks the first lucky 10 will take delivery of the fatest road car in the world .
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