Example sentences of "[art] [noun] [verb] along [art] " in BNC.

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1 Near Wolfstein the roads run along a valley floor , the hills on either side rising to above 1,000 feet .
2 At the end of the bridleway continue along the path which leads to Heron Pike ( 1.5 miles ) , Greatrigg Mann ( 1.5 miles ) , and eventually Fairfield ( 1 mile ) .
3 Ronni detached her gaze from his in an effort to hold on to at least some of her displeasure and paused to glance curiously about her as the car sped along a dusty highway through a bright summer vista of parched scrubby fields .
4 I kept on down to the river and stood for a while to watch the coal-barges slide along the black , shiny water .
5 Most significantly , the structure of many rifts examined by seismic methods has been shown to be asymmetric with most of the downthrow occurring along a major boundary listric fault on one side of the rift .
6 The village stands along a single street roughly parallel with the river .
7 Before returning , a look down into the tremendous ravine of Ling Gill below the bridge will reveal a most impressive scene , the beck hurrying along a bouldery bed fringed by trees and cliffs on its way to join the Ribble ; several minor caves have been found and explored along its banks but the rough terrain is a deterrent to walkers who prefer to travel sedately .
8 The deceased sailed along a river whose banks were crowded with mythical creatures and enemies of Re , the god of the sun .
9 Use your imagination to ‘ see ’ the ball rolling along a line you consider is correct .
10 Thus a characteristic feature of stem cells is this asymmetry ; one daughter keeping the stem cell character , the other proceeding along a pathway of diversification .
11 If the probe moves along a radius with , then For simplicity it can be imagined that the probe would have been be at rest if it had started at an infinite distance from the hole ; then the kinetic energy parameter T vanishes and the equation reduces further to where , as usual , .
12 Instead , the demonstrators marched along a route agreed with the authorities to the Olympic Stadium , across the north of the city .
13 Apart from the fact that he was wearing a suit of thick brown tweed on what was a warm day in early summer , the man walking along an elegant street in Kensington was unremarkable .
15 For his last session , which was about cannabis , the sergeant brought along a whacking great sample of the stuff which he placed on the lecture bench in front of him .
16 From the farm continue along a trackway leading northwards over a bridge spanning Scandale Beck .
17 Encapsulated in their nose-to-tail cars , stranded drivers read papers , picked their noses and talked to themselves , resigned to the rush-hour wait along the Chiswick High Road .
18 SIDE BY SIDE : The lovers stroll along a country path , facing the future , just happy to be together
19 Each morning trucks from the factory bumped along a dust road and turned down on to the low gravel bank where we were moored .
20 If we see a character walking along a path to cross the screen say from right to left , and if this shot is immediately followed by one in which the same person is walking along the path from left to right , the viewer 's natural assumption is that the walker has reversed direction and is now returning to his or her starting point .
21 Gallons of intoxicating percussion guided rhythms fuel ‘ Pot Of Gold ’ like a train rampaging along an empty track as it goes for an energetic jog in the shadows , pacing along a tireless circuit .
22 A second , related objection has been advanced of the assumption that variants of a variable lie along a single sociolinguistic dimension of non-standard to standard , which in turn co-varies with a single phonetic dimension .
23 She could see the ground for a distance round the beech-tree , and as she gazed down she noticed a man coming along a path a short distance away .
24 Before any submicroscopic helical structures ( such as molecules , microtubules , flagella and viruses ) were known , H. R. Crane , whom I mentioned earlier , said ‘ … any structure that is straight or rod-like when seen at low magnification is probably a structure repeating along a screw axis ( ie , it is a helix ) .
25 An impulse passing along a nerve fibre is in some respects similar to an electric pulse passing along a wire .
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