Example sentences of "[art] [noun] remained [art] same " in BNC.

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1 The instrument of war was the national State and it mattered little whether that State was called the beachhead of a world working class or simply an ordinary republic : the disciplines remained the same .
2 Changes in the marginal distribution of the response variable will always produce changes in differences in proportions , even if the cells are still distributed in the same proportion ; if , for example , the supply of selective school places doubled but the class composition of the schools remained the same , d would change .
3 As long as all of the parameters of the sub-domain remained the same , the functional calculation program would not be called .
4 Each edition was reset , but the contents remained the same , as follows : Vol. i : ‘ Our Parish ’ ( in 6 chaps . ) ,
5 Our enthusiasm for getting afloat was an overriding factor — that part of the job remained the same and made up for a lot of hassle .
6 And so by incessant exercise , her right foot grew larger and broader , while the other remained the same size , and at length she feared to go out in the streets at all , for fear of tripping and falling flat .
7 There was no demonstrable prejudice to Findlay by the amendment : the case against him , based on the admissions. remained the same : that he had agreed to rob the Hainault post office at a date unknown .
8 Even when they changed , the habit remained the same , blessed , sure and unobtrusive .
9 It did not claim to supersede DB32 which remained ‘ an essential source of background evidence and reasoning for use when interpreting the new guidelines ' ’ and the objectives remained the same .
10 The address remained the same .
11 While compassion and concern were hallmarks of the churches ' approach to the victims of HIV and AIDS , he went on , the central message of the churches remained the same .
12 Presumably , the anode remained the same ( no change is mentioned ) , so with the thickest rod the spacing between anode and cathode would have been the smallest .
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