Example sentences of "[art] [noun] for a single " in BNC.

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1 It can be used to provide the hot water supply for a washing machine , which is not the case for a single point heater .
2 In a statement released on Feb. 7 , the Bundesbank , the German central bank , expressed doubts about the plans for a single currency outlined in the Maastricht Treaty .
3 By 1982 ( the EC 's 25th birthday ) the momentum for a Single European Market had come to a virtual standstill .
4 The charge for a single room with bed and breakfast and evening meal is likely to be approximately £60 per week ; and from £40 per week for a single room with cooking facilities provided .
5 The charge for a single room with bed and breakfast and evening meal is likely to be approximately £58 per week ; for a single room with bed and breakfast plus weekend meals £44 per week ; and from £40 per week for a single room with cooking facilities provided .
6 It is perfect sailing weather : a yacht can cast off from San Diego in January , coast southwards before a good southerly blow and then catch the trades which will take her almost clear across to the Philippine Islands without the need for a single sail change .
7 Some advocates of European union argue that the Bosnian shambles merely underlines the need for a single foreign policy .
8 Working together makes sense : not only does it ensure that duplication of effort is minimised , it addresses the need for a single , coherent , national system .
9 If the evolution of the E C continues , and it will , working people must be as organized as possible to ensure that trade unions are not forgotten in the race for a single market .
10 In the past six months one London dealer says he has bought $2.5 million worth of the metals for a single client .
11 In fact , Stevens ( 1991 ) argues that it is just because devaluation does not work as an instrument of economic policy that the argument for a single currency is made more powerful .
12 However , the prospects for a single currency , other than in the long run , seem remote .
13 Mayflies , for instance , spend most of their lives as underwater feeding larvae , then emerge into the air for a single day into which they cram the whole of their adult lives .
14 Such plants have the potential for a single clone or genet ( product of a single zygote ) to dominate large areas of the vegetation .
15 Even the Belgrade daily Borba commented that " it is not a merry event to proclaim as a great democratic act the voting for a single political concept " .
16 By adopting the third directive on life assurance , the European Commission cleared the way for a single European insurance market .
17 The cost for a single user of a committee feed is a real deterrent , particularly for individual ITV regional companies , and the Committee was anxious to avoid anything that might inhibit regional coverage .
18 If one was not worried about the sovereignty arguments there might be a case for a single currency in Europe .
19 A single off the hip ; a pull for one more run ; a vain swish ; gasps ; a hook for a single , Lamb the fielder .
20 The first difficulty is , as we have seen , that the term ‘ child abuse ’ covers a range of behaviours and problems , so that a search for a single or even a cluster of ‘ causes ’ is likely to be in vain .
21 And , if a subscriber for a single debenture wanted to sell half of it , he would not be able to make a legal transfer of that half .
22 I write to confirm a booking for a single room with facilities in the name of Chris Templeton for the nights of 6 and 7 June .
23 THE IPSWICH Group raised £3,000 — a record for a single event for the Group — from an Art Raffle held last September , in which local artists were asked to donate a work to Amnesty .
24 Item three , another full application from a Mr for a single storey extension up at .
25 Well , he had taught them a swift , certain lesson : that no ten hired lackeys of the Emperor Karl Franz were a match for a single noble son of Bretonnia .
26 The first of the Peabody buildings , financed by a trust founded by an American philanthropist in 1862 , charged 2s. 6d. per week for a room for a single person ; while tenements for families , some of 2 rooms each , some of 3 , cost a maximum of 5s .
27 In financial arrangements , neither of these offices approaches the Treasury with a request for a single budget for all their functions .
28 At the Marriott Hotel , prices are quoted in zlotys ( 1,675,805 ) a night for a single room ) but are charged in dollars ( about a hundred and eighty ) .
29 Although swap space may be increased it is a drastic solution simply to obtain a parse for a single sentence .
30 The 1965 changes were the first significant constitutional development since 1957 , in that they provided for a review of the purposes and activities of the Community , incorporating also a schedule for a single European Community by 1970 .
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