Example sentences of "[prep] addition to the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 In addition to the output improvement , this work has led to savings in variable production costs .
2 In addition to the mobility required of them as deputies in battle for the king , they were also kept in attendance at their father 's court at Aachen for long periods of time .
3 The taxable transfer allowance , paid in addition to the disturbance allowance , is made in two stages ; half is paid to the employee with the first month 's salary in the new position and the remainder paid with the twelfth month 's salary in the new position .
4 Phillips 's original exercise had many features which were attractive to applied econometricians : the initial empirical work had been rather haphazard , leaving many important hypotheses untested ; the estimation techniques were simple ; it was a reduced form equation , a collapsed version of a larger structural model , leading to the possibility of biases ; in addition to the omission of many potentially significant explanatory variables , much refinement needed to be performed on the time series data .
5 In addition to the afternoon 's official programme , there were several extra events , all raising funds to improve facilities at the centre .
6 Weightman and Bullen Ltd were appointed by the Governors to undertake the re-development of the St. Vincent Road site with a brief , which in addition to the specialist and general teaching requirements , incorporated the need for essential modifications , specifically , increased staff accommodation/toilets , improved Administration facilities and a general improvement in pupil toilet provision , to cater for the increased population of the School .
7 These authors state that ‘ For events of monumental significance for one 's life 's chances , such as blindness , there are important experiences in addition to the direction of the norms for independence . ’
8 Since there is no plain disposition in favour of Seia in addition to the share to which she is instituted , it is to this clause that the jurist resorts in his interpretation .
9 The establishment of the branch near a council estate , in addition to the provision for popular social events , was clearly in line with the Macleod policy .
10 At one time it simply commented on an offender 's suitability for probation , but following the recommendations of the Streatfeild Committee in 1961 , the probation service was encouraged to make more general recommendations as to sentence , in addition to the provision of more factual information concerning the offender 's character and personality , social background , educational record , employment and prospects .
11 In addition to the provision already described , some authorities still retain some of the older-type large homes and several run residential nurseries .
12 Access into these compartments is only provided for maintenance work and control of the extinguishing system should be provided externally in addition to the provision of internal automatic devices designed to operate the system .
13 In occupied buildings in addition to the provision of an automatic fire detection system , manual fire alarm call points should be provided in order that a person discovering fire may sound the alarm and summon assistance .
14 In addition to The Handwriting of English Documents by L.C. Hector already mentioned , the following books may be of value : English Cursive Book-hands 1200–1500 by M.B. Parkes ( London 1979 ) , Elizabethan Handwriting 1500–1650 by G.E .
15 In addition to the slaughter of Ealdorman Brihtnoth and his followers at Maldon in 991 , East Anglian leaders were killed fighting Swegen in 1004 , while six years later Brihtnoth 's son-in-law and " many good thegns and a countless number of people " died at the battle of Ringmere .
16 In addition to the identification of specific fiscal problems faced by each of the three countries , the research will be able to highlight the similarities and contrasts in the governments ' approaches to taxation problems .
17 In addition to the structure I have also provisionally examined the numbers of staff likely to be needed for Council Tax purposes having regard to experiences of Poll Tax over recent years .
18 Members of the Computing Sub-Group have considerable expertise in a variety of computing skills , and it should be possible to identify individuals from this Group who can provide training , in addition to the Computer Support Officer .
19 ‘ Everything , I say , in addition to the rest of her fortune , will be yours . ’
20 In addition to the attendance or financial loss allowance , a member may also claim travelling and subsistence allowances necessarily incurred by him for the purpose of performing an approved duty .
21 In addition to the roll , the kettledrums are effective in single strokes and in the execution of simple or complex rhythmical figures .
22 In addition to the emphasis on vocal participation by congregations , there was the recognition for the first time of indigenous musical traditions .
23 In addition to the interpretation section in the statute , the Interpretation Act 1978 operates as a standing legal dictionary of some of the most important words used in legislation .
24 In addition to the expectation of continuity in subcontracting partnerships , larger companies share semi-permanent trading agreements and are often stockholders in rival firms .
25 In addition to the expectation of continuity in subcontracting partnerships , larger companies share semi-permanent trading agreements and are often stockholders in rival firms .
26 In addition to the retardation this results also finally in an increase in the height of the wave as it is about to break .
27 Dundonald International Ice Bowl offers a comprehensive league and tournament programme and in addition to the competition it is a great way to make new friends .
28 With effect from I January 1992 the ‘ old ’ offences at paragraphs ( f ) and ( g ) of regulation 27(1) of the 1986 Regulations no longer apply to passenger motor cars other than motor cars constructed or adapted to carry more than eight seated passengers in addition to the driver , or to goods vehicles with a maximum gross weight which does not exceed 3,500 kg .
29 Proof of the number of seats in a passenger motor car or the maximum gross weight of a goods vehicle may be necessary to show this new offence applies to the vehicle in question , eg. ‘ The motor car had been adapted to carry 8 seated passengers in addition to the driver ’ ( but not more than 8 ) .
30 In addition to the state pension , people may receive a graduated pension based on earnings between 1961 and 1975 and/or an additional state earnings related pension ( SERPS ) if they have worked after 1978 .
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