Example sentences of "[prep] access to [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 In Denco Ltd. v Joinson [ 1991 ] , an employee who had a right of access to certain information in his employer 's computer system used another employee 's password to gain access to other parts of the computer system , something he was not entitled to do .
2 Other characteristics of class have been noted : disproportionate recruitment into the bureaucracy from the offspring of bureaucrats ; a distinctive subculture by monopolization of access to Western education ; the relative wealth and privileges separating the bureaucratic stratum from the rest of society , and control of the means of repression to maintain the bureaucracy 's dominance .
3 Among the most common directives inadequately implemented were those on freedom of access to environmental information , wild bird protection and environmental impact assessment ( with the UK registering numerous complaints on this issue ) .
4 It is essential that Londoners have the same rights of access to acute health care as their provincial counterparts .
5 Whilst welcoming the recommendation that the defence has an enforceable right of access to forensic material held by the prosecution , the Law Society is concerned and surprised that it is not proposed that this will extend to unused material generally .
6 Here , the objective has been to involve the local community , first , in awareness of its own problems , provision of access to relevant information about them , and the alternative solutions that might be constructed to solve them ; and , second , in the development of local community groups , concerned partly with further analysis and discussion , partly with building community consciousness and collective involvement , and partly with community action to improve conditions and ameliorate problems .
7 A priori , it would appear that auditors ' knowledge of their client company , their powers of access to internal information including forecast information , and their direct relationship with company management should mean they are uniquely placed to make judgmental decisions about the likelihood of company survival .
8 He forecast that lack of access to legal aid could lead to people 's taking the law into their own hands , doing their own litigation or doing nothing to defend themselves .
9 Language modification is about simplification , not about explanation , which deprives deaf people of access to broad-based knowledge .
10 Individuals have a right of access to personal information about themselves held by local authority social services departments .
11 Under the Access to Personal Files Act 1987 any individual has a right of access to personal information about himself in local authority social work records subject to certain exemptions .
12 Meanwhile , look out for the work of rock-climbing photographer , Greg Lucas , who has a very individual approach to the problem of access to private land .
13 Meanwhile , look out for the work of rock-climbing photographer , Greg Lucas , who has a very individual approach to the problem of access to private land .
14 One factor in the siting of many of these pottery industries and their associated centres was the ease of access to good transport systems , notably by water .
15 His theme is the exposition of the cultural dangers accompanying such valuable social changes as the achievement of literacy or the freeing of access to secondary education .
16 The ideology of merit as the criterion of access to secondary education and its subsequent social and economic rewards was well entrenched by the time of the outbreak of war , as were the mechanics of separation into two distinct types of education .
17 One group may dominate large areas of cultural production , while another , through lack of access to cultural form , may be less clear as to the nature of its own interests .
18 Furthermore , the harvest feast was often seen as a focus for the customary rights of agricultural workers , including the crucial right of access to common land .
19 Certainly it has kept up pressure on the Government to continue its public commitment to human rights , exemplified by President Fujimori 's directive warning that those securities services responsible for violations would be severely punished ; and the granting of access to Public Ministry prosecutors and representatives of the International Red Cross ( ICRC ) to all centres of detention in the emergency zones , including military bases , to check on the condition of detainees .
20 There is a problem of access to affordable housing , all I 'm saying is that you do n't solve it by wholesale allocation of land .
21 Only an unequal distribution that takes need into account can achieve the goal of effective equality of access to medical care .
22 Another concept implied rights of access to miraculous healing for the sick and crippled .
23 Section 42 gives the guardian a right of access to social work records .
24 ( c ) Access to records One of the guardian 's most important functions is to investigate the case and he is given a right of access to social work records compiled or held by the local authority and the NSPCC ( s42 ) .
25 This is based on a history of access to permanent pig pastures and the clinical signs .
26 Labour Party policy is to provide a general right of access to uncultivated land for walkers — a policy that specifically includes river banks and canal towpaths .
27 Such benefits can to some extent compensate a widow for lack of access to occupational scheme benefits in her own right and for financial disadvantage arising from the traditional domestic division of labour .
28 Also as the membership and functions of the primary health care team grow and sectoral barriers are broken down , rights of access to patient information are being demanded .
29 During the same period , there has not been one prosecution for corruption , although it is no secret that the economy is dominated by powerful politicians with access to cheap state funds , import licences and influence .
30 These are not small yards , but they are small companies in the sense of not being part of large conglomerates with access to substantial investment .
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