Example sentences of "[prep] exactly the same [noun] " in BNC.

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1 She liked Matilda for exactly the same reasons .
2 The wording of the EPC , however , is difficult to apply to morality issues surrounding genetically engineered organisms for exactly the same reasons that difficulties arise over ‘ essentially biological processes ’ — the drafters of the convention did not envisage patenting of plants and animals .
3 And it was n't Sky 's fault that I used to watch better football at Barnet for exactly the same price as the weekly rental price of a satellite dish .
4 Book Club Europe Drive at the same time as your flight and you could be driving a luxurious Ford Granada Scorpio for exactly the same price as a Ford Sierra 1.6L .
5 They would be competing with each other in the canopy for exactly the same sunlight , but they would all have ‘ paid ’ much smaller growing costs to get into the canopy .
6 If the communication option of the first process is taken up , the environment can not tell it is not operating the second ( for exactly the same option is present there ) .
7 It is the type that sea fishermen use for exactly the same reason .
8 The galaxies may continue to recede from each other but , under the influence of the Universe 's own gravity , begin to slow down and then start to come towards each other again — in exactly the same way , and for exactly the same reason , that a ball thrown into the air will slow and then return to the ground .
9 She detested Topaz for exactly the same reason and her constant nagging had made Loverin 's mind up for him .
10 When I consider the mover and seconder of the Loyal Address today , I can not escape the feeling that , while the right hon. Member for Worcester was in successive Tory Governments because of his cleverness , the hon. Member for Thanet , South may have been kept out of successive Tory Governments for exactly the same reason .
11 And finally we shall cross the name of Cedric Downes off that same list , and for exactly the same reason .
12 Noel Blake was kicked out for exactly the same reason — he could nt handle being in a squad .
13 However they put aside their competitiveness ( the Caledonian and Balmoral in Edinburgh , for example , are fighting for exactly the same guests ) because they know that it is only by working together , as one body , that they will attract visitors to Scotland in the first place .
14 Some argue that cheap imports are a waste of money — others say widely differing prices are being charged for exactly the same product and that suppliers which criticise imported cutlery often stock it themselves .
15 You 'll still be worth exactly the same amount , but the company will have more working capital . ’
16 Now going back into the Hebrew scriptures , you 'll find there that this sort of staying awake counsel , an idea was there long before the days of Jesus and the Apostles and people 's lives were involved in its state , even in those days , let's just let us have a look at one , Isaiah forty two eighteen to twenty now this terms it slightly different , but when you look at it and analyze it , you realize he 's talking about exactly the same thing , it 's regarding the nation of Israel who turned away from Jehovah , they were n't doing what they should be doing , or should 've been doing as he 's pleading with them look there , that look here , here you deaf ones , well we know the nation of Israel were n't all physically deaf , they were like we are , perhaps had a few deaf individuals amongst them , but
17 ‘ Remember , I had gone through exactly the same business with the Hoyte brothers .
18 In the past , however , the spent fuel from both civil and military reactors has gone through exactly the same reprocessing line at Sellafield .
19 She just had to have someone to talk about Fred to , and Jane , who 'd been through exactly the same cycle of experiences with him as Doris had , only one floor below , was the ideal person . "
20 [ Honeymoon , by the way , just in case you ca n't cut the etymological mustard , has only in recent times come to denote a nuptial holiday involving the purchase of duty-free goods and the taking of too many colour prints of exactly the same scene .
21 In 1623 an elderly Roman organist , Paolo Quagliati ( C. 1555–1628 ) included in his Sfera armoniosa a duetto da camera for two sopranos and violino obligato in three sections distinguished by different characters , different metres , and ( obviously ) different tempi : EX. 87(ii) is a triple-time aria of exactly the same type as those by Berti and d'India just mentioned .
22 ‘ No , ’ she interrupted , ‘ but you seem to be accusing me of exactly the same things I accused you of — or at least had to ask about .
23 Some owners have observed that two helpings of exactly the same cat food , given at different times on the same day , are treated differently — the first being eaten , the second rejected .
24 Far better that its messengers take it only to plants of exactly the same kind where the genes it carries will unite with eggs and form seeds .
25 However , one local authority should not receive double the amount of grant received by another only a few miles away for the provision of exactly the same level of service , which is the case at the moment .
26 The Minoans , under the influence of exactly the same drug , may well have had visions of a fantastic , maze-like building , and based the design for the Labyrinth on their visions .
27 It had been the great achievement of the geologists to explain how , given enough time , the operation of exactly the same forces visible today could explain the enormous variety of what could be observed on the inanimate earth , past and present .
28 He can however close out the position by simply buying an option of exactly the same description as the one he had previously sold .
29 People who get in a car when it is stolen are associated with that act and can be convicted of exactly the same offence .
30 There are massive quartzites of similar type in the Ordovician of other parts of the world , from Bulgaria to the Canadian Rockies , but in my ignorance I will not risk saying that they are of exactly the same age .
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