Example sentences of "[prep] a form [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Facing the Red Cross building to your right , is the vinárna or tavern called U Palcátu , named after a form of blunderbuss used by the Hussites .
2 The purpose of this wing was to test aircraft that came out after a form of garage servicing ; this was before the garage system introduced by Bennett in the earlier days of Pathfinding at RAF Wyton .
3 For all its stress on history and totalization as process , Sartre 's argument is structured through the creation of a form of synchronicity .
4 Scott argues further that insufficient attention has been paid to the potential for collaborative action on the part of shareholders , which he regards as indicating the possibility of a form of ownership control despite the absence of minority holdings large enough in themselves to amount to a control position .
5 The expectation that the Afro-Caribbean and Asian minorities would simply blend into a homogeneous British or even English stew , perhaps adding some harmless spice , was revealed as not only hopelessly unrealistic but symptomatic of a form of racism which regarded ‘ Britishness ’ and ‘ Westernness ’ as the only touchstones of cultural value .
6 Although the 1988 Matignon Accords formed the basis of a ceasefire in the struggle for the New Caledonian independence , there was increasing discussion during 1990 of the possibility that the planned independence referendum — scheduled for 1998 — could be abandoned in favour of a form of independence in association with France .
7 This poetic teaching which enacts a surrogate experience of the operation of grace is extended in Rolle 's recommendation of a form of prayer which , though obviously popular in the Middle Ages , he yet made peculiarly his own , devotion to the name of Jesus .
8 Here the term ‘ language- game ’ is meant to bring into prominence the fact that the speaking of language is part of an activity , or of a form of life .
9 Can we , at a deeper level perhaps , identify elements of a form of life , with its own values , which is distinctive of the academic community in general ?
10 In classical political thinking , " democracy " was the name not merely of a form of government but of a whole society , and it was habitually associated , by its enemies and critics as well as its friends , with the principle of social equality .
11 Lord Goff said that it was the denial of choice that was the critical factor , rather than the denial of a form of education that may or may not be available in other of the authority 's schools .
12 The building , about 1440 , at the Mont-Saint-Michel , of a form of bastion not dissimilar to that to be developed in Italy , underlines how this matter of overcoming the defensive problems created by the development of artillery was being dealt with .
13 This allows him , for instance , to speculate on the plausibility of a form of reincarnation , which enjoys a large following in the psychic , paganism and the occult .
14 Finally at the highest level , the limits of reason are exposed when a critique is mounted of a form of thought as such .
15 A critique of a form of thought will attempt to mark out its location , describe its boundaries , indicate its limitations and bring out its implicit assumptions and any ideological undercurrents .
16 For external critique is intended to show up the limitations of a form of thought as such .
17 One example comes from the Sivananasiddhiyar the most important sacred text of a form of Hinduism common among the Tamils of Southern India , Saivism :
18 The constant narrowing down , redefinition and drawing of ever more refined distinctions lead to a position where the argument has no general significance at all : Greek society , defined in a particular way , represents the advantages of a form of literacy defined in the same way .
19 Campbell also speaks of a form of loneliness which was a special feature of Jesus ' ministry : the loneliness of the leader .
20 If economic reform was the ‘ key to all our problems ’ at the outset of Gorbachev 's administration and political reform increasingly the means by which it was to be accomplished , the ultimate objective remained the achievement of a form of socialism which advanced decisively on those that had preceded it .
21 The tram is one example of a form of transport that flourished and then faded .
22 She suspects me of a form of vanity in sidling up to the existential questions .
23 It is a church whose authority lies in its age and its preservation of a form of worship which can be traced back through two millennia .
24 The next major item on the University 's agenda for reform is the establishment of a form of quality management and control .
25 Not only did government growth require little positive commitment , the acceptance of a form of Keynesianism termed by Rose and Peters as one-eyed Keynesianism' , seemed to be telling politicians that public expenditure growth was a good thing .
26 The Conciliation Project Unit discovered that general adoption of a form of conciliation in family disputes would be more expensive than resolution through the various courts with family jurisdiction .
27 Concerned specifically with the issue why there is no circularity involved in a justification of deduction which employs deductive reasoning , he contrasts explaining the validity of a form of inference — for which purpose we can use any of our knowledge — with persuading someone of the correctness of a rule — which requires that we avoid circularity .
28 The , the , the moves towards a form of credit card care , where ambulance workers will be asking you the , the number of your credit card before erm treatment will be given in hospital .
29 Since Yugoslav support for the Soviet navy is based less on coordination in security policy than on commercial interest it is not regarded by Belgrade as likely to lead towards a form of alignment with Moscow .
30 The emphasis of the ‘ tax credit ’ would be towards a form of tax relief rather than a payment of benefit .
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