Example sentences of "[prep] a long series of " in BNC.

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1 After a long series of preliminary earthquakes , a circular area of ground began to rise slowly and steadily in January 1944 ; by April the area affected was three kilometres across , and had gone up fifteen metres ; by June it had gone up fifty metres , and had taken the village of Fukaba and all its inhabitants with it .
2 Or , again , a new discovery might be arrived at after a long series of observations and calculations , as exemplified by Kepler 's discoveries of his laws of planetary motion .
3 That meeting was only the beginning of a long series of meetings , retreats and counselling sessions which formed the stepping stones for a return to an authentic Christian experience .
4 Rose ( 1868 ) , do not obviously suggest serious historical study , but are rather part of a long series of more popular works on Mary , in which Jean Plaidy and Madeleine Bingham are among the most recent exponents ; and there is a certain charm about the publication , in 1793 , of a work by one J. F. Gaum , Marie Stuart und Marie Antoinette in der Underwelt .
5 Its fifteen subject committees usually met three times a year and contributed to the development of a long series of projects .
6 A Circular on this subject ( to appear in July 1965 as 10/65 , probably the best known of a long series of Ministry and Department of Education and Science circulars ) was already in draft , but Tony Crosland was anxious to improve it .
7 A spokesman for the Bristol-based Chelsea Building Society said : ‘ The timing is not ideal but it is at the end of a long series of events . ’
8 Hervey , a Breton , was appointed bishop , the first of a long series of members of the English royal court to be provided with a Welsh see : he was also the first bishop in Wales to come under the authority of an English archbishop .
9 One of the first of a long series of attempts to reconstruct the facts behind the records was undertaken by Hermann Samuel Reimarus ( 1694 — 1768 ) in his Apology for the Reasonable Worshippers of God .
10 The Director-General of RTF was appointed by the government ( as were the heads of state or public service radio and TV until 1982 ) : the ‘ DG ’ appointed in 1946 , Vladimir Porche , held his post for 11 years ; but governments conceived of broadcasting as a state administration , and Porche himself — a ‘ counseiller d'etat ’ — was the first of a long series of ‘ counseillers d'etat ’ , prefects and top civil servants to head the state broadcasting organizations , RTF and ORTF ( i.e. until 1974 ) .
11 In economic life , in spite of a long series of efforts , little was achieved .
12 The 1989 glitch occurred at 09:36UT on 29 August during a long series of 610-MHz radio observations at Jodrell Bank .
13 Okay er , according to Darwin , and here I quote , in infants long before birth , says Darwin , the skins on the soles of the feet is thicker than on any other part of the body , and it can hardly be doubted that this is due to the inherited effects of pressure during a long series of generations .
14 Long experience suggests that magnetic disks have seen off a long series of challenges over the past 15 years — but a review of the survival and thriving of the technology gives a very partial and inadequate view .
15 These fundamental axioms were refined , clarified and applied through a long series of debates and conflicts with the Liberal Theology in which he had been trained , and which he had earlier enthusiastically followed , with the claims of the Führer to be the chosen instrument of divine providence , and with colleagues , notably Emil Brunner ( 1889–1966 ) , Rudolf Bultmann ( 1884–1976 ) and Friedrich Gogarten ( 1887 — 1967 ) , whose approaches , though having some affinities with his own , he felt in the end to be in varying degrees unsatisfactory .
16 The final decision as to what to count is actually the solution to the problem in hand ; this decision is taken only through a long series of complicated exploratory maneuvers ’ ( Labov 1972a : 82 ) .
17 The sea was drawing off across the foreshore — leaving acre after acre of rocks — with a long series of hollow roars , diminishing , diminuendo on diminuendo .
18 We know that Eworth can be associated with a long series of signed pictures bearing his monogram HE .
19 Question time , which might be used to investigate major issues of general public interest , degenerates into a long series of requests for information about individual cases : 333 out of the 357 questions put to the Minister for Social Welfare in October and November 1983 fell into this category .
20 Breeding success , judging from a long series of reports from Rye , has also changed little since 1947 ; the Rye figures show an average brood size ranging from 5.7 to 9.7 , and averaging 7.8 .
21 The BBC found itself embroiled in a long series of disputes with the government , partly over its financing , partly over alleged anti-government reporting of such episodes as the Libyan bombing raids in 1986 ( covered by an able woman reporter , Kate Adie ) .
22 Not only did it fail to achieve representation ( not surprising at under 1 per cent of the vote ) but it has since fallen apart in a long series of internecine conflicts ( which are too complex to describe here ) .
23 Although the most comprehensive , this was only the latest in a long series of hard-hitting reports on Indian prisons , most of which echoed familiar themes .
24 Although the mechanism of accumulation of the humbled bones presents a puzzle , the discoveries of the latest in a long series of excavations by Spanish workers , reported on page 534 of this issue , seem not only to have settled the question of the affinities of the Atapeuerca hominids , but also promise to clarify our understanding of the evolution of humans in Europe .
25 Starting in the 1920s she became increasingly interested in floral morphology ; in a long series of papers in the Annals of Botany and the New Phytologist she recorded her observations on vascular and carpelary structure in a wide range of flowers .
26 It can therefore be said that in a long series of estimates under the same conditions the population mean would lie within one standard error of the mean 68 per cent of the time , or within two standard errors 95·4 per cent of the time .
27 It can therefore be said that in a long series of estimates under the same conditions the population mean would lie within one standard error of the mean 68 per cent of the time , or within two standard errors 95.4 per cent of the time .
28 Even with direct response , it is still not going to be clear , without a long series of tests , why the winning ad is best .
29 They refrained from responding to a long series of statements by senior Chinese officials which contradicted both the letter and the spirit of the Joint Declaration - including an assurance , for example , that the post-1997 Hong Kong press would be free for ‘ as long as it did not publish anything detrimental to China 's national interest ’ .
30 It was a natural response to the advent of nuclear weapons to concentrate on means of limiting or even abolishing them ; and this response has led to a long series of arms control and disarmament negotiations at Geneva and elsewhere .
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