Example sentences of "[prep] a few weeks [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Each visit guaranteed he would leave behind some of his property and after a few weeks we 'd accumulated his record player , eight boxes of books and his Rupert Bear hot-water bottle .
2 ‘ Often clients think it 's a good idea to come here but after a few weeks they think it 's not such a good idea .
3 As it turned out , I was a dreadful croupier and after a few weeks they put me on coats and hats .
4 She had seen so many of the students set out from her door , awkward and anxious , and after a few weeks it was as if they had been studying there all their lives .
5 Well so that yo about Adrian after a few weeks it 's you know
6 And then after oh , after a few weeks she said I 'll come in for a cup of tea .
7 After a few weeks he told her he was going home , and asked her to go with him .
8 In the space of a few weeks they went from favouring broadly no change in taxation ( which is what the chancellor gave them ) to yearning for the rod — in one case a tax rise of £5 billion-10 billion .
9 Over the course of a few weeks they will probably spend several hours in the bureau familiarising themselves with bureau practice before their formal selection interview .
10 Carole Rue , BT 's network services development manager , said : ‘ Although the trial has only been running for a few weeks we 're most encouraged by the initial response from our customers .
11 They just do n't like to get involved in something which is ongoing for a few weeks you know .
12 And for a few weeks I was happy .
13 Then I made him a little tent to sleep in , but for a few weeks I always took my gun to bed with me .
14 Within a few weeks they were regular visitors .
15 Walt Disney organises two to three raids a month on Thai pirates ; but according to Brandt Handley , head of Walt Disney 's consumer products division in South-East Asia , in most cases ‘ within a few weeks they are back at it again under another name and location . ’
16 Within a few weeks they had put Pedro to flight and Henry was crowned king .
17 Within a few weeks he began to feel better , and his depression , anxiety , tiredness , panic attacks , fainting and sweating are now a thing of the past Problems , due to too much caffeine are fairly common , but not everyone has the sort of symptoms that Ken experienced .
18 Within a few weeks he had resigned from the party and become the founder of a new movement , the British National Socialist League .
19 A government clearly that is split both politically and is totally incompetent the government 's majority is now down to eighteen and all the predictions are that within a few weeks it will be down to seventeen .
20 From the moment that you arrive at college you will be involved in what is popularly known as " taking notes " and as likely as not within a few weeks you will be the possessor of tattered notebooks filled with illegible hieroglyphics or , worse still , of masses of mixed-up bits of paper .
21 At first , her face burned and she was often defeated in her purpose but within a few weeks she was indistinguishable from the seasoned bargainers .
22 Talks on privatising Deutsche Bundespost Telekom have entered a critical phase , with a key decision due next month , Germany 's postal and telecommunications minister Wolfgang Bosch told Reuter at Hannover on Friday : ‘ In a few weeks we will know whether or not there will be a change to the constitution , ’ he said , noting that decision will not only affect privatisation of Telekom but also Bonn 's position at the upcoming talks with the European Commission — an agreement on privatisation would pave the way for Bonn to approve the Community plan to open domestic and international telephone calls to competition ; the current strategy to get agreement from Germany 's opposition socialists is to win over the postal union , which so far rejects turning Telekom into a joint stock company for fear of massive job losses .
23 In a few weeks we can expect to see the likes of Boris Becker chomping away on a banana between sets at Wimbledon , and the saga of the Euro-banana versus the Dollar banana is likely to keep the fruit in the news .
24 But in a few weeks they were allowed to return because Mossad had threatened to stop giving MI6 any more information about Arab terrorism .
25 It will certainly not seem long if you work consistently toward daily targets , in a few weeks you 'll be doing things you have n't done for years , or never thought possible .
26 Jack ‘ I 'll be retiring soon ’ Duncan has finally gone and in a few weeks I shall also have a clear desk and be on my way to Viewforth , Stirling to take up my appointment as Director of Technical Services in Central Region .
27 In a few weeks she would part company with NCPR .
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