Example sentences of "[prep] the road to [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Nowhere was the stolid exceptionalism of the British more evident than in the rejection of constitutional reform and in the way in which Conservatives sought to portray this reform as the road to chaos — as if the US , Australia , Germany , Spain and other developed democracies had not prospered with more representative systems .
2 Within the next few months the silence in the Left media was further broken by articles criticizing councils such as Haringey for ‘ moralism ’ , suggesting that anti-heterosexist policies were undermining Labour 's traditional family-based support , and advocating psychoanalytic theory as the road to lesbian and gay liberation .
3 Author of The Road to Serfdom , published — impossibly ill-timed — on the eve of Labour 's great victory in 1945 , he lived to see the crumbling of communism ; the destruction , as no doubt he saw it , of collectivism 's inner citadel .
4 I know how context influences the effects of alcohol and realise this was a highly artificial situation , but it was still difficult to ignore the terrible predictability of the road to drunkenness : its fixed stages — a brief and seductive period of social effervescence and then the rapid departure of self-consciousness and the ugly appearance of righteousness .
5 At a time when many socialists were moving away from a naive faith in the prospects for revolutionary change and towards uneasy respect for democracy , Labour in office was doing little to justify belief in the viability of their vision of the road to socialism .
6 Though the world 's press has done its best , huge gaps remain in public knowledge of the road to war .
7 WITH the road to recovery blocked , profits of hauliers NFC stayed jammed at £66 million in the first nine months of this trading year .
8 are you going up the road to town then ?
9 While we have to accept that some people have had a good go at blowing up the present inhabitant , would it not be simpler for her to emulate a previous incumbent and move up the road to Admiralty House ?
10 At first , Gloria took Dot along the road to school but it was often difficult for Gloria to get out of bed in time , so they arrived late .
11 Carl is walking along the road to Bar Capri with his mother .
12 The parties to litigation , whether before a court or a tribunal , which results in trial and judgment have resisted many encouragements to settle the claim along the road to trial .
13 ‘ So for the same weekly payments any council tenant can start along the road to ownership .
14 ‘ Christ , they were quick off the mark , Piper , ’ remarked the driver , swinging the jeep round and heading back along the road to Brigade H.Q. Nos. 3 and 6 Commando were pulling out as we entered the village ; no sign of 45 Royal Marine Commando .
15 Progress along the road to Theory Y is all that is realistically possible .
16 The Haynes Publishing Group continued along the road to recovery in the six months to end-November 1992 .
17 BUSINESS services group BET has taken another stride along the road to recovery by slashing its annual loss .
18 Thus , although non-Muslim monotheists , like the Christians and the Jews , had not travelled as far along the road to truth as the Muslims , they were travelling in the same direction .
19 Some of those who did not possess a faith in God which was proof against all adversities now saw that the great hope of a relief force reaching them , which had so far buoyed them up , was an illusory one ; even if a relief now came , in many different ways it would be too late and not only because so many of the garrison were already dead ; India itself was now a different place ; the fiction of happy natives being led forward along the road to civilization could no longer be sustained .
20 Forest envisage the return of Webb , who left them in a Pounds 1.5 million deal three years ago , as a crucial step along the road to safety .
21 Entitled To Advance Further Along the Road to Perestroika , Gorbachev 's address began with the assertion that there had been a " revolutionary stride " in all spheres of life since he first announced perestroika in April 1985 .
22 He continued : " This means that by moving towards a market we are not swerving from the road to socialism , but are advancing towards a fuller realisation of society 's potential . "
23 In The Road to Serfdom Hayek wrote : ‘ Nothing distinguishes more clearly conditions in a free country from those in a country under arbitrary government than the observance in the former of the great principles known as the Rule of Law . ’
24 I saw one erm I saw an actual Christmas tree up in erm you know the library when you come out in the road to library onto the main road ?
25 His feet were firmly placed upon the road to power when he uncovered a magic artefact , the Crown of Sorcery , in the subterranean ruins of the daemon-haunted city of Todtheim on the edge of the Northern Wastes .
26 Those who live with it day and night are now going down the road to compensation , and a legal battle with the Department of Transport .
27 He could see down the road to No. 22 .
28 Now , well down the road to recovery , Molly looks in fine health .
29 None the less , Henry did not rush headlong down the road to schism .
30 Meisel helped launch Linda Evangelista on to the road to superstardom , and it was Von Unwerth who captured Claudia Schiffer 's sex kitten quality and used it in the Guess advertising campaign which made the model famous .
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