Example sentences of "[prep] the last election in " in BNC.

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1 AT THIS stage of the last election in 1987 I was in the middle of writing a column when I had a call to say that the Sunday paper in which it was to appear had closed down .
2 But there was a net gain of some thirty seats to the Unionists in direct comparison with the last elections in 1910 , a strong position for a party that was already the largest in parliament .
3 In elections in the south-eastern province of Styria ( Steiermark ) on Sept. 22 , the far-right opposition Freedom Party of Austria ( Freiheitliche Partei Österreichs — FPÖ — whose leader , Jörg Haider , had in June been compelled to step down as governor of Carinthia — see p. 38298 ) made significant gains , increasing its support by more than 10 per cent to 14.6 per cent , compared with the last elections in 1986 [ see p. 34695 ] .
4 In the last election in 1984 , it scored 24 wins out of 28 .
5 On the main island of Curaçao which was allocated 14 seats , Liberia Peters 's centre-right National People 's Party ( Nationale Volkspartij — NVP — also known as the Partido Nashonal di Pueblo ) won seven seats ( compared with six in the last elections in November 1985 — see pp. 34291-92 ) .
6 In a general election on May 6 in the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus ( TRNC — recognised only by Turkey ) the ruling National Unity Party ( UBP or NUP ) won 55 per cent of the vote and 34 of the 50 seats in the Legislative Assembly ( as against 37 per cent of the vote and 24 seats in the last elections in 1985 — see pp. 34067-68 ) .
7 Following the May elections the distribution of seats was SPD 71 ( 66 in the last elections in 1986 — see pp. 34503-04 ) ; CDU 67 ( 69 ) ; FDP 9 ( 9 ) ; Greens 8 ( 11 ) .
8 Likud had portrayed the elections as a test of political strength and was disappointed with the result although it improved slightly on its performance in the last elections in 1985 [ see p. 34008 ] .
9 Hoyte himself had come to office in the last elections in December 1985 [ see p. 34162 ] , while his People 's National Congress ( PNC ) had been in power since independence in 1966 .
10 I happen for my sins to have been shadow Chancellor since the last election in 1987 , during which period there have been three Chancellors of the Exchequer .
11 In simultaneous elections in Berlin on Dec. 2 — the first since 1946 for a unified administration in the city — the CDU led by Eberhard Diepgen won a landslide victory against the SPD-Alternative List ( AL ) coalition led by Walter Momper , which had ruled in West Berlin since the last election in January 1989 [ see pp. 36403 ; 36530 ] .
12 Under the amended election law the president was provided with the power to appoint new deputies to replace those who had died or had left the Assembly since the last elections in 1972 .
13 He is confident he will gain the 6pc swing needed to secure the seat and says a Labour victory will ‘ finish off ’ what his colleague started at the last election in 1987 .
14 On Saturday she was chosen as the candidate by members of the Euro-constituency which the party held at the last election in 1990 by just 2,977 votes .
15 The SPÖ won 47.7 per cent of the vote and 52 seats ( 54.9 per cent and 62 seats at the last elections in November 1987 — see p. 35792 ) ; the FPÖ won 22.6 per cent and 23 seats ( 9.7 per cent and eight seats in 1987 ) ; the Austrian People 's Party ( ÖVP ) won 18.1 per cent and 18 seats ( 28.4 per cent and 30 seats in 1987 ) ; and the Green Alternatives won over 9 per cent and thus entered the parliament for the first time with seven seats ( having won just under 5 per cent in 1987 ) .
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