Example sentences of "[prep] approximately [art] same [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Government services account for approximately the same share of national output as manufacturing .
2 But the other two main additions to the new kingdom — Slovenia and Croatia — had been under the rule of Austria or Hungary for approximately the same period of time .
3 Recent researchers , such as H.L. Miles ( 1983 ) , claim to have had more luck but even then , giving them the benefit of every doubt , ‘ there remains a large gap between the signing of these trained apes and the speech of children who have vocabularies of approximately the same size ’ ( Griffin 1984 : 199 ) .
4 First the mouth will split , giving rise to a disc with two orifices , which gradually move apart , then the disc itself begins to divide , starting at the edges and moving inward until two polyps of approximately the same size are produced .
5 A quantity of dance-music for it is preserved , imperfectly , in the so-called ‘ Walsingham Consort Books ’ of approximately the same date , and the combination is depicted accompanying the wedding masque in the Henry Unton memorial painting of a few years later .
6 The entertainments industry faces a similar peak of approximately the same duration and timing .
7 For instance , a work of scholarship devoted to an esoteric subject will sell for a significantly higher price than a novel of approximately the same length and format by a popular writer .
8 Since the passages are of approximately the same length , it has not been felt necessary to give percentages in those parts of the table where numbers are small .
9 In the absence of any added protein , strand breakage occurs at each position with approximately the same efficiency ( Fig. 4 , lanes 2 and 7 ) .
10 If Balliol was already down a back stair , he could mingle with this crowd of panic-stricken servants and nowise stand out , in his shirt and breeches , since others were in approximately the same state .
11 That figural designs began to occur in the west in any numbers ( i.e. not counting the very early example from Exeter : Bidwell 1979 ) in approximately the same period as a further development of figural design is apparent in the southeast , is an interesting possibility : this may also have been contemporary with the first appearance of fully centralised designs .
12 It is useful to establish within an institute that everyone will zero at the same point , so that the numbering starts from approximately the same place each time .
13 And the work would then be completed to approximately the same timescale that we , that we deadlined on the .
14 Pupils entering S1 in August 1994 will be able to join the pupils from our own Junior School if they have already studied one of our own two languages to approximately the same level .
15 Try to plot the result on approximately the same scale as figure 9.10 so that you can compare the result with the economy in general .
16 Furthermore , the wages of artisans , although they moved at a different rate , followed the same general pattern of increasing real values at approximately the same dates .
17 Using the Jodrell Bank Radio telescope in Cheshire , they had observed the super dense pulsating radio star ( pulsar ) PSR18219-10 for 18 months and deduced from variations in its radio signature that it was being orbited by a planet every six months at approximately the same distance as that from Venus to the Sun .
18 A good many observers even doubted whether wars between States at approximately the same level of civilization could have any decisive result .
19 It has remained at approximately the same latitude since its discovery but it has changed in size , reaching its maximum size of 40 000 × 13 000 km about 100 years ago .
20 That decided , I bait the swim every other day at approximately the same time in the evening , for this will teach the carp that there is food available from a certain time .
21 It is interesting to note that high spring tides occur at approximately the same time of the day every year in each location on the coast .
22 Other themes reappeared at approximately the same time , but from quite different sources .
23 At approximately the same time of the first circular data from HMI surveys , and HMI statements on the curriculum ( which we shall consider later ) , were being added to this evidence .
24 According to social security legislation , a " seasonal worker " is a " person whose employment is for part or parts only of the year and those parts fall at approximately the same time each year . "
25 A level-top , apart from its looking well , was emphasized for a good economic reason : if the ploughland was level , the drill coulters would bite in at an uniform depth , and sow the seed in the same way ; the ears of corn would then mature at approximately the same time and all the seeds of corn would be approximately the same size .
26 At approximately the same time the Soviet Deputy Foreign Minister , Nikolay Firyubin , carried out official talks and consultations in three ASEAN states : the Philippines , Indonesia and Thailand .
27 Wycliffe said : ‘ Could anyone who knew your cousin 's habits rely on him taking the same walk at approximately the same time each night ? ’
28 All the radiators should be at approximately the same temperature on a well-designed heating system — unless radiators are individually controlled by thermostats .
29 If you are ever carrying heavy loads , break up the load into a number of cases or boxes at approximately the same weight .
30 Warrants on shares rise and fall by approximately the same amount in pence as the share price , but by a much larger percentage of their trading price .
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