Example sentences of "[prep] return to the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Finally , it is worth returning to the feature that puts SuperCalc first among DOS spreadsheets — its multipage and multiple spreadsheets .
2 But Ralph did n't think twice about returning to the school , nicknamed the Killing Fields because so many fledgling careers are buried there with only 40 tour cards on offer .
3 Many comprehensives are also nervous about returning to the council embrace , notably the 40 previously earmarked for closure or where their high-profile success has got up important noses .
4 I had no worry about visiting my surgeon , but I did worry about returning to the Centre with such grave doubts and negative attitude towards their therapies .
5 He also has an open mind about returning to the ring at some point to pursue an impressive career with manager Terry Lawless .
6 Less than six on the Richter scale , he found out later , only a tremor , really , but it was enough to change Creed 's mind about returning to the office .
7 Newbery felt quite happy about returning to the series on a very irregular basis , but for Cusick enough was enough .
8 Like in the Bible , the prodigal is rewarded for returning to the fold : in SCO 's case , it 's getting Intel Corp president and CEO Andy Grove as a keynoter for SCO Forum this summer .
9 I have no enthusiasm for returning to the sort of legislation that applied at that time .
10 A period of stress , a new job , moving house or a family row are all trusty pretexts for returning to the tobacconist 's ; even minor crises , such as missing a bus , can do the trick .
11 After returning to the Reds , he signed for First Division Stoke , making his debut at Goodison and playing his final match at Anfield .
12 All this activity left little time for photography but , even after returning to the States to continue his work for the FSA , Delano never lost sight of the fact that his introduction to Puerto Rico had been through a camera .
13 After returning to the governor 's mansion , Mr Clinton later said during a jog through rain-swept neighbourhoods near the mansion that he watched a movie with his wife , Hillary , and their 12-year-old daughter , Chelsea .
14 Austrian Gerhard Berger was sixth in a Ferrari , also on his first outing after returning to the team , having stolen through on the penultimate lap .
15 I mentioned the incident at Land 's End and was told that it was not unusual for student pilots who dare to stray into the military areas to receive a safe wingtip and tail helicopter escort home , leaving the student a gibbering wreck long after returning to the club house .
16 But then , instead of returning to the siege of Pons , he led his army in May 1179 to the enterprise which was to establish him once and for all as an acknowledged expert in the vital art of siege warfare : the capture of Taillebourg .
17 Since then , the forces of continental drift have continued to pull the two continents apart , widening the Atlantic , but the habit of returning to the sea each year to spawn has never been broken even though it now involves such an immense journey .
18 Fraud appears to have increased rather than decreased , and it can not be argued that this is merely a matter of greater success in detection , as many of the frauds only come to light when investors find that they are unable to obtain their funds ( or the directors of the institution are found to be in sunny climes abroad , with little intention of returning to the UK ) .
19 But the alternative of returning to the hall , and traversing its crowded sixty-foot length to gain the opposite staircase leading to the upper storey , where she shared a tiny chamber with Adele and two of Matilda 's ladies , was just as unappealing .
20 The female Lionisers left the rest of their hollands untouched and began to think in terms of returning to the hotel .
21 Your program is saved in memory , and the usual way of returning to the application by entering EXIT .
22 The thought of returning to the merchant world , even after this unhappy experience , was less than welcome .
23 Dunwoody is hopeful of returning to the racecourse next Tuesday following his lay-off because of a broken bone in his right hand .
24 If the Claimant was unable to use his return ticket then the cost of returning to the U.K. would be covered .
25 She concludes that during the 1950s and 1960s the prospect of returning to the labour market gave women an incentive to compress their childbearing , thus shortening intervals between births and accelerating the tempo of fertility .
26 By late afternoon she realised he had no intention of returning to the office while she was in it , and she had a strong suspicion that he did not trust her .
27 But instead of returning to the trees and swinging happily ever after , the orangs got caught up in web of conservation politics .
28 He was out of radio contact and faced with the alternatives of returning to the car with Glynn , leaving the body , or sending Glynn alone to telephone .
29 There is then more than one way of returning to the root , so that some elements of the structure can be missed in a search by the choice of the route taken .
30 Within a fully developed multicellular organism , most cells are non-dividing ( G0 phase of the cell cycle ) , but they retain the option of returning to the cell cycle usually when activated by growth factors .
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