Example sentences of "[prep] send [pers pn] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 There had been talk of sending me to a special school , but my family were not ready to accept such an open acknowledgment of my disability , and the excuse was again made about academic standards .
2 It never occurred to me that other children were n't spoiled as a matter of course , the way I was , and it would be years — and my father would be dead — before I understood that the expense of sending me to a boarding school was just an excuse , and the simple , sentimental truth was that they knew they would have missed me .
3 Indeed , it even handed over several copies of its official stamp to Agrokomerc , so that the notes could be endorsed without the bother of sending them to the bank .
4 instead of sending it through the post at Christmas I thought I 'd bring it .
5 if he thought there was something up he would of sent you for an x-ray , or
6 Her twin sister Sally , of Penarth , South Glamorgan , south Wales , begged school-friends and neighbours not to feel guilty about sending her on the venture .
7 He had thought about sending her to the oculist and he was much nicer to Gran .
8 But he did say that er it 'll take three weeks before he can get back to me about sending me to the Law
9 Erm you , you did , you know , you did summarize with what you thought you , you 'd established erm you went through to , to get your second appointment Steve threw , you know , the objection in about sending it in the post and what have you erm er and , and you o you overcame that erm successfully but I think the other thing that , that with , with the ANNA it , it unless you get that authority the rest of it is meaningless because you know you ca n't go on and , and , well you can agree the needs but there 's no way that he 's , he 's gon na agree to do it now or when you go back or , or even perhaps agree on the amount .
10 He had also torn off the copyright mark from the greeting card before sending it to the Italian artisans who made the sculptures .
11 An alternative , where the PC is the source , is to use one of the proprietary conversion routines to change the file into either Word or WordPerfect format before sending it to the Macintosh .
12 Format and print is an excellent utility for adding margins , headers and page numbers to a standard text file before sending it to the printer .
13 In that case have it signed before sending it to the seller 's conveyancer , otherwise you 'll be required to give your undertaking to have it executed after completion , and to supply a copy of the execution to the seller 's conveyancer .
14 Obviously , if your document uses Monotype 's Times New Roman then there 's no earthly point in sending it to a bureau that has n't got the face .
15 The first agency I went to sent me to a photographer to have some pictures taken for my portfolio .
16 The Movement came to her aid by sending her on a secretarial course and finding her a part-time job with a City accountant .
17 Please spare my copies in future by sending them in a pale pink envelope with flowers on .
18 The world is not altogether reformed by cheap tours , nor is the inherent vulgarity of the British Philistine going to be eradicated by sending him with a through ticket and a bundle of hotel coupons to Egypt and the Holy Land …
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