Example sentences of "[prep] live with a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The girls at work admired her for living with a man and not being married to him , but she could forgo that pleasure , she thought , for the baby 's sake .
2 ‘ I 'd always had a fantasy about living with an artist and waking up in the morning and him standing there with a canvas .
3 Maternal anxiety is an appropriate response to the experience of living with a crying baby — but what physiological mechanism exists to explain the notion that anxiety causes colic ?
4 They need to understand the importance of the regular drug treatment , and they need to be supported in their efforts to deal with their own guilt , depression and daily stress of living with a person with schizophrenia .
5 First , we suggested that the occurrence of disability as a significant event in an individual 's life is only a starting-point for understanding the practical and personal consequences of living with a disability .
6 As a working detective , it would take six months of living with a mate to trust him and know that when it came to the Crown Court appearance he would know exactly what to say .
7 The fantasy of living with a woman in a state of openness and trust .
8 In the light of these observations , the act of living with a prostitute takes on another meaning .
9 This is seen , for instance , in the denial to prostitutes of ‘ normal ’ family relations through the existence and increased harshness of the offence of living on the earnings of prostitution , which effectively stops them from living with a partner .
10 Life in the fast lane with GRiD 's 386NX Notebook in Living with a Notebook .
11 We catch up with the latest exploits on the portable front in Living with a Notebook .
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