Example sentences of "[prep] least [prep] [det] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 A run of some eighteen documents , found in various sources but principally in Barkan/Ayverdi , the earliest of which is dated mid-Muharram 864/early November 1459 , the latest late Rajab 876/early January 1472 , suggests that Molla Husrev held the kadilik of Istanbul at least between these dates .
2 At least under that system hundreds of young actors and actresses found regular employment under contract which meant they were paid whether they worked or not , whereas in 1990 the figures from the guild showed that at any one time as many as eighty-five per cent of its Los Angeles membership were not working .
3 If a match between the gender of the pronoun and the formal gender of the noun introducing its antecedent facilitates the interpretation of the pronoun , at least under some conditions — as we suspect it will — our hypothesis about the involvement of a superficial representation in the interpretation of deep anaphors will be supported .
4 One should also try to foster an atmosphere of independence , so that at least during that conversation some choices are possible : ‘ What do you think about … . ’ 'Would you like this or that ? ’ are the very basic kind of choices one can offer even when life seems very restricted .
5 If anthologies ever needed any justification they received it for me at least during those years .
6 But Charles the Bald also had a communications-network of his own : in his kingdom , many Roman roads had survived , with a system of public provision of food and transport at regular staging-posts at least along some routes .
7 Well at least across that way anyway .
8 Some at least of this reclamation of the ‘ waste ’ by enclosure was a failure , for it was applied indiscriminately to good land and bad .
9 Some at least of those corrections and qualifications were amongst the matters considered by the board on 26 March 1991 .
10 Erm I I hope that is at least of some help erm in dealing with a resolution to this problem .
11 That is not to say that there are no theories , at least of some stages of the transition of some types of flow .
12 " The Meeting having considered many Complaints from Caddelton and the other principle Drovers … from the want of a proper Fank for Cattle near the ferry place of Portaskaig , and Considering also that sixty or Eighty acres at least of some muir land near the Port will be necessary … appoint a Committee to draw up an application to Shawfield , praying he may allot and Inclose a piece of ground . "
13 If those other components are themselves of a kind that , for example , influences the Earth 's supply of radiation , then we see that positively minute additions , at least of some kinds of pollutants , could have profound consequences for living things .
14 At least with some kind of trance it 's subtle and there 's a whole different atmosphere .
15 At least with these connoisseurs at a breakfast lauch of the Sausage Appreciation Society .
16 Just how much they obtain there from is known only to themselves , but this could well be a final act born of an inextinguishable instinctive knowledge that there is somewhere a source of power available to the individual whereby he can supplement his capacity to face a fading future , or any other of life 's unwelcome experiences , at least with less apprehension , if not with absolute serenity .
17 At least with this disease there is no doubt as to its existence , although the causative organism is as difficult to grow and identify as that of chancroid .
18 The majority of prison letters that I receive have the ring of truth ; the reason being that it is not in human nature ( of which the law is profoundly ignorant ) for guilty men to go on proclaiming their innocence month after month , year after year , when they do not have the evidence , the impetus , or the skills to do so , at least with any show of conviction .
19 Students also provide a substantial share of the summer staff taken on by holiday camps , at least for that part of the season which coincides with college vacations .
20 This was rightly interpreted as meaning the abandonment of invasion plans — at least for that year .
21 In this poem we see their shared Jewishness , and the ‘ irreverence ’ ( as some would see it ) they each had for the Tradition — at least for that view of it which some espoused ; we also see a shared disdain for rabbinic ( and priestly ) logic , to them both a form of mental death .
22 The advert does not say ‘ go beyond greed ’ but it leaves you in a place where greed — at least for that moment — is obsolete .
23 As he had already been interviewed four times and been in police custody for over 24 hours , the expectation would be that a solicitor might well consider that , at least for that evening , enough was enough and that he ought to advise his client not to answer further questions … .
24 Probably the basic ideas of democracy — the idea of equal political rights for all ( or at least for all men ) , the idea of a government of the poor or of the people , the idea of turning the traditional social hierarchies upside down — have never been entirely lost sight of among the vast submerged majorities of history .
25 Nothing came of this particular project , not at least for many years , and Clare continued to enjoy the orchises of Royce Wood undisturbed .
26 Later , at least for many years , she was not to see this time as part of her life , and perhaps therefore it need not now be told at length .
27 The ladies of our period of whom we know more than the name were almost always ladies of exceptional character or talent , who force themselves on our notice partly at least for this reason .
28 However , there is evidence that the east-west flow persists beyond where the atmosphere has been observed , at least for some distance : the stability of the east-west winds would be difficult to understand if only the comparatively small mass of atmosphere above the 1 bar level were involved .
29 Part of the reason for this is , again , the way in which women are effectively confined to the home at least for some part of their lives .
30 If , at least for some years afterwards , there was no real war , there was none the less plenty of tension in south-western France .
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