Example sentences of "[prep] order to understand the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 However , in order to understand the many ways in which context affects language processing we need to move away from a consideration of single-word recognition to a consideration of how sentences are processed .
2 The man who , in order to understand the inner world of a cannibal tribe , has partaken of the practice of cannibalism , has probably gone too far : he can never quite be one of his own folk again .
3 In order to understand the disciplinary encounters between a parent and child the ‘ trick ’ is to examine the positive and negative consequences each is applying to the behaviour of the other ( see page 110 ) .
4 In order to understand the standard classification , we must understand the terminology used .
5 Yet in order to understand the present pattern and appearance of settlements , allowance has to be made for varying degrees of change occurring in the past .
6 I shall go back into the classical age of Greece only in so far as it is necessary in order to understand the later times .
7 It is necessary however to acquaint the reader with a little of the previous involvements of Highlander in order to understand the basic idea which underlies its activities , and the evolution of its educational methods .
8 However , detailed analysis of structure and function of each factor is essential in order to understand the basic molecular mechanism of protein-protein interaction in the transcription initiation reaction .
9 For example , in order to understand the little story in ( 13 ) , one needs to know the following assorted facts : presents are usually bought with money ; piggy-banks are used to hold money ; piggy-banks are generally made of a dense material like metal or plastic ; money inside a container of dense material will generally rattle , etc .
10 In addition , information theory by itself does not contain any dynamics : in order to understand the genetic code , the study of the underlying dynamics of its self-organization is essential .
11 Of particular significance and far-reaching consequence to the lives of women was the exilic legislators ' obsession with ritual cleanness — and in order to understand the full import of this statement , I shall momentarily have to digress from our historical outline and spend a little time analysing the reasons for the legislators ' obsession and its impact .
12 In order to understand the guiding ideas of the Chewong moral universe , it is necessary to examine the ordinary human beings in relationship with this large world of non-human or superhuman beings .
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