Example sentences of "[prep] proportion to their [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The large eddies play a role out of proportion to their contribution to the turbulent energy , both in the interaction between the mean flow and the turbulence and in the turbulent energy transfer process involved in Fig. 21.8 .
2 Their eyes migrated from the sides of their heads ( where their cousins still keep them ) , to look forward with acute stereoscopic vision , and their brains began to mushroom in proportion to their body-weight .
3 Allies received attention in proportion to their contribution to the Western alliance .
4 Support for the Distribution 's ‘ tails ’ diminishes rapidly in proportion to their distance from the centre .
5 Taxable profits , which are calculated in a similar way to companies ' taxable profits , are treated as personal income to the sole trader , or split between partners in proportion to their share of profits in the year of assessment .
6 This leads record companies to treat musicians not as wage-labourers but as contracted ‘ artists ’ who are paid not a fixed sum for their labour-time but in royalties , in proportion to their success ( ibid : 130 ) .
7 Second , we should recognise that a two-party dominance in the House of Commons may not reflect the pattern of electoral support in the country at large since our first-past-the-post electoral system makes it difficult for third parties to break through into parliament in proportion to their support in the country .
8 We have found that within those families , the genera that eat fruit have larger brains in proportion to their body size than those that eat leaves .
9 One suggestion is to create a European Parliament senate or upper house , consisting of delegations of MPs in proportion to their strength in their national parliaments .
10 For , so he elaborately argues , one can not , if one really thinks it through , accept the total set of prescriptions implied by any universal ethical rules except those which attach weight , in proportion to their strength , to the desirability of satisfying the desires which everyone affected by an action would have if they possessed proper prudence .
11 For example , the available evidence suggests that commodity futures are subject to little systematic risk , while index futures have roughly the same systematic risk as the market portfolio , which is the portfolio of all shares in the market held in proportion to their market capitalization .
12 The data on the consumption of food antedate mortality statistics by 10 years , and include all foodstuffs with high sugar content , like honey , syrup , and glucose , in proportion to their sugar content .
13 Spices suited this situation very well : they had a high value in proportion to their weight , they could not be produced in Europe , and they were always valued by rich people who used them to mask the taste of the not-too-well preserved meat which was the best that anyone could hope for in the winter .
14 Despite the interest of some well-known industrialists , manufacturers as a group seem to have contributed only in proportion to their weight in the population .
15 Each city and settlement trains and equips a body of spearmen and archers in proportion to their population , the retinues of the High Elf nobles also contribute to the levy .
16 But a compromise has just been worked out between the governor , the tribes and Bruce Babbitt , the ex-governor of Arizona who is now interior secretary , under which casino gambling would be restricted to the reservations , and the tribes would be given slot machines in proportion to their population .
17 The Council of 500 was drawn from the demes in proportion to their population ( see p. 112 ) and it is now known ( for instance ) that in the time of Kleisthenes no more than one-quarter of known Athenians can be attributed to city demes .
18 The main bridge between the two was the Council of 500 members , appointed annually from the demes in proportion to their population — so for instance Eleusis was allowed to send eleven councillors to the city , and the great deme of Acharnai sent twenty-two , while some tiny demes like Pambotadai and Syhridai took it in turn to send a single councillor , each sending one every other year .
19 These provinces produced , in proportion to their population , enormously more recruits than the centre , south and west of the country .
20 Eighty-five per cent in special assistance to the Länder Brandenburg , Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania , Saxony , Saxony-Anhalt and Thuringia as well as to Land Berlin to cover their general financial requirements and divided up among these Länder in proportion to their number of inhabitants , excluding the inhabitants of Berlin ( West ) , and
21 The Chinese value medicines in proportion to their safety and ability to prevent disease .
22 The esprit de corps of these forces has increased in proportion to their professionalism and the degree to which this professionalism is recognised by their Soviet patrons .
23 Men cared for animals in proportion to their value .
24 In most authorities the parties are represented on the committees in proportion to their distribution on the whole council .
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