Example sentences of "[prep] respect to [noun sg] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It represents the point at which the inflexion points on the curve merge , and so it is the temperature where the first , second , and third derivatives of the Gibbs free energy with respect to mole fraction are zero .
2 The New Testament has a good deal to say with respect to church administration .
3 In the event of any shortcomings in a document with respect to enterprise content , the subcommittee agreed the following two courses of action : —
4 In addition to providing authorisation , the Department subsequently monitors the performance of companies in particular with respect to solvency margins and has the power to intervene in various ways : it may require a change in investment strategy , prevent the issuing or renewing of policies and of course , ultimately , withdraw authorisation .
5 The directive deals with the same matters with respect to credit institutions that the Fourth and Seventh Company Law Directives dealt with for the generality of companies .
6 The Bundesbank wants national Central Banks to be made independent , and of course for the European Central Bank to operate independently with respect to price stability .
7 What planning should he undertake with respect to inheritance tax — bearing in mind that under the deemed domicile provisions in IHTA 1984 , s267(1) the taxpayer is deemed to be domiciled in the United Kingdom if he was so domiciled three years immediately preceding his death or he was resident in the United Kingdom in not less than 17 of the 20 years of assessment ending with the year of assessment in which the death occurs ?
8 The problem is to raise additional income in a manner consistent with the government 's social objectives — with respect to income distribution , for example — as well as with planned levels of production , investment and public expenditure .
9 Now , because it 's typically observed in the Harrison model shows this under certain circumstances to be the case , that , erm , a sort of erm , migration elasticity with respect to income differentials , right , is much greater than the erm ,
10 It might be suggested that the employed women make up a particular group with respect to housework attitudes : women who are dissatisfied with housework may turn to employment as a palliative .
11 Mr. Secretary Lilley , supported by the Prime Minister , Mr. Chancellor of the Exchequer , Mr. Secretary Heseltine , Mr. Secretary Wakeham , Mr. Secretary Brooke , Mr. Secretary Hunt , Mr. Secretary Lang , Mr. John Redwood and Mr. Edward Leigh , presented a Bill to make provision with respect to standards of performance and service to customers in relation to the telecommunications , gas supply , electricity supply , water supply and sewerage service industries ; to make provision with respect to complaints by , and disputes with , customers in those industries ; to make provision with respect to the powers of the regulators of those industries and with respect to related matters ; to make provision with respect to the payment of deposits by customers of certain telecommunications operators ; to make further provision for facilitating effective competition in certain of those industries ; to make provision with respect to mergers of water or sewerage undertakers ; to make provision with respect to compliance orders against public gas suppliers ; and for connected purposes : And the same was read the First time ; and ordered to be read a Second time on Monday next and to be printed .
12 In Lotus Development Corp. v Paperback Software International ( 1990 ) , the defendant claimed that he had not copied the Lotus program code but had used a similar menu system to achieve compatibility ( especially with respect to spreadsheet files and macros ) and to enable people to change to VP-Planner from Lotus 1-2-3 without requiring re-training .
13 Nonetheless the suggestions outlined in this paper would put new teachers in a strong position to teach language awareness , and make them familiar with important issues in the social dimensions of language in Britain today , both with respect to minority languages and with regard to the linguistic needs of society as a whole .
14 It is unlikely that either provision will be needed but the fact that they exist may help to prevent undesirable practices developing with respect to computer software .
15 The basic requirements for the grant of a patent will now be explained with reference to computer technology , followed by a consideration of the exclusions and their impact , especially with respect to computer software .
16 Many such contracts are not sale contracts as such but are licence agreements ; this is particularly so with respect to computer software where the owner of the rights subsisting in the software grants licences to customers , giving them permission to use the software in return for a licence fee .
17 Reuter , for example , considered that a non-party is a State outside the terms of a treaty , which can not claim any of the powers of a party , for example , with respect to treaty procedures for amendment or termination .
18 These anxieties were evidently not assuaged by the inclusion in the Maastricht Treaty of a protocol on the Acquisition of property , which preserved the status of Danish legislation with respect to holiday homes .
19 The CPA 1987 amends the Limitation Act 1980 with respect to time limits for bringing an action ( see s6(6) and Sched 1 ) .
20 In the service sector the predicted relationship appeared to obtain , but again only with respect to agency workers ( Table 3.10 ) .
21 Overall , the number of truly adherent isolates ( defined as those which attached to >40% of the cells ) in the control group compared with the colitis groups ( one of 23 control versus 15 of 101 colitics ) was not significantly different ( χ 2 =1.84 , p=0.18 ) ; similarly , no difference was evident when the ulcerative colitis patients were analysed with respect to disease activity .
22 The situation with respect to pressure changes and pain may be clarified by prolonged ambulatory measurements of colonic pressure activity , which allow the simultaneous recording of events such as abdominal pain andmotor changes .
23 Second , British exporters are the victims of a generally restrictive and protectionist EEC posture with respect to world trade .
24 Finally , with respect to language issues , a variety of debates are still in progress and it is premature to draw firm conclusions ; however , there is some evidence to suggest that bilingualism may actually enhance educational performance ( Houlton , 1986 ) , that in the case of Afro-Caribbean pupils there may well be ‘ dialect interference ’ , although it is clear too that some of the problems here may derive from the negative attitudes of teachers towards Creole ( Edwards , 1979 ) , and that in the case of some Bangladeshi pupils lack of familiarity with English may be an obstacle to academic achievement ( House of Commons Home Affairs Committee , 1986 ) .
25 With respect to strategy Japanese enterprise groups tend not to adopt the conglomerate model which is more common to large firms in the United States or Britain as the locus of their strategic initiative , preferring instead the keiretsu form .
26 There is less difference between the two hemispheres with respect to wind speeds than with respect to the pattern of the bands .
27 These findings were used to see whether appropriate timing of octreotide injections with respect to meal ingestion might avert impaired gall bladder contraction .
28 Prospective studies should show whether appropriate timing of octreotide injections with respect to meal ingestion , or alternative treatment schedules , like CSOI , might lessen the risk of gall stone formation during long term octreotide treatment .
29 This type of loudspeaker is therefore best used well forward of rear walls , whilst being relatively uncritical with respect to side walls , except in the deep bass .
30 Among the few notable and recent examples of reforming leadership within prison systems , mention might be made of H.H. Brydensholt in Denmark , Hans Tulkens in The Netherlands , Ken Schoen in Minnesota and , with respect to youth prison systems , Jerome Miller in Massachusetts .
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