Example sentences of "[prep] response to an [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Soon after their meeting Minton wrote to Martyn Goff , in response to an invitation extended to himself and Jeff Bernard :
2 Participation in EC RTD programmes is generally via the ‘ calls for proposals ’ process whereby applications are submitted in response to an invitation published in the Official Journal of the European Communities .
3 Rabbits ( and humans for that matter ) blink their eyes in response to an air puff directed towards the cornea .
4 This development came about in response to an increase in the number of child abuse cases being uncovered and the sensitivity of the issues involved , combined with a widely held view that social workers were ill-prepared to deal with complex cases of this kind .
5 They responded accordingly — reduced output in response to an increase in σ .
6 Palestinian activists initiated a re-evaluation of the intifada during June , partly in response to an increase in intra-Palestinian violence .
7 As explained in Chapter 16 , there are four possible sources of monetary growth : ( a ) banks choosing to hold a lower liquidity ratio ( probably in response to an increase in the demand for loans ) ; ( b ) a balance of payments surplus ; ( c ) public sector borrowing ; ( d ) a change in the method of financing the national debt .
8 The Director may withdraw or restrict access to the facilities in response to an offence or a suspected offence against these rules or to protect the services .
9 Thus the implication is that if the State Department issues a mild statement in response to an issue which is provoking inflammatory articles and speeches in the press and Congress ( for example , over the Agrarian Reform Law ) , then it is simply that the government is hiding its ’ real' intentions in order to deceive .
10 Though he 'd never really believed that any woman would behave that coldly and that violently in response to an attack .
11 In response to an outline of the CNAA 's difficulties the DES officers expressed the view that the difficulty lay with the Committee for Education , ‘ which appeared to take a divergent and insufficiently flexible view ’ on the question of devising course units in common between the BEd and other courses .
12 In response to an order from Bulgaria Rochdale 's Mainair Sports now offer three fibreglass/Kevlar floats for their Gemini Flash 2 Alpha flexwing .
13 In May 1688 Ken was urgently summoned to London by Sancroft , the Archbishop of Canterbury , to consult with his fellow bishops in response to an Order in Council requiring them to instruct their clergy to read in Church a Declaration of Indulgence ; under this , Roman Catholics and Dissenters would no longer be required to subscribe to oaths under the Test Acts .
14 The word is most often heard in response to an order to do something : fetch firewood , haul water , etc .
15 ‘ unless a defendant is assured that information given in response to an order for disclosure can not and thus will not be used as evidence at his trial for the offences charged , he may well be entitled to refuse to supply the information on the ground that it would tend to incriminate him .
16 A REGIONAL director of the Scottish Ambulance Service , Ian Gibson , admitted last night that human error caused an ambulance crew to be sent to the wrong town in response to an emergency call from the family of a dying man .
17 The Mexico City agreement emerged from talks on Sept. 13-15 , 1989 , between the Salvadorean government and the main guerrilla organization in El Salvador , the Farabundo Martí National Liberation Front ( Frente Farabundo Martí de Liberación Nacional — FMLN ) [ see p. 36890 ] , in response to an appeal made in the Tela agreement [ see below ] , and allowed for monthly talks to take place between the two sides .
18 Apparently in response to an appeal made at the Central American summit held in San José , Costa Rica , in December 1989 [ see p. 37119 ] , the FMLN on Jan. 11 , 1990 , agreed to reopen within 30 days peace talks with the government under the mediation of the UN Secretary-General , Javier Pérez de Cuéllar .
19 The FRC had earlier announced that it would be releasing the three hostages in response to an appeal by the Libyan leader Col. Moamar al Kadhafi .
20 In response to an appeal by the Union des Syndicats des Travailleurs du Niger ( USTN ) on May Day 1990 for the introduction of a multiparty system , Mamadou Dagra , the Minister of Civil Service and Labour , said that this was not excluded by Niger 's current political system , but it was an issue which should not be pursued with haste .
21 Returning from a visit to East Africa in the first week of February , Chalker announced that the UK would send a further 20,000 tonnes of food , worth £4,000,000 ( US$7,800,000 ) , in response to an appeal from the UN World Food Programme .
22 Clothes and bric-a-brac have been pouring into the hospice 's charity shops in response to an appeal for more goods .
23 In the immediate mode and in response to an INPUT statement , some control codes have a special significance to the input line editor ( see later ) ; with the exception of , the others are ignored .
24 The single line editor is active in the immediate mode and in response to an INPUT statement in a program .
25 Immunity is another type of internal defence mechanism usually arising in response to an infection .
26 ‘ My dear Mr Sixsmith : In response to an inquiry from …
27 For example , though normally consent is given in response to an initiative of another it need not be .
28 When he fires Craig Norman for incompetent management , it is in response to an investment opportunity .
29 Gustavo Adolfo Stroessner , the son of the exiled former president Alfredo Stroessner , was reported to have been arrested by the Brazilian police on Aug. 9 in response to an extradition request by the Paraguayan government .
30 This format is appropriate when sending out a Investment Overview in response to an enquiry from another member of the ABN .
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