Example sentences of "[prep] fail [to-vb] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 THE jury trying the case of a man accused of robbing a supermarket and shooting two people who tried to stop him was discharged last night after failing to reach a verdict .
2 The jury in the trial of two men accused of murdering a police informer has been sent to a hotel for the night , after failing to reach a verdict .
3 The jury in the trial of two men accused of shooting dead a car dealer and dismembering his body has been sent to a hotel for the night , after failing to reach a verdict .
4 The jury in the Severn Bridge Gantry trial has been discharged after failing to reach a verdict .
5 After failing to reach an agreement over the rent with Belle Vue 's new owner , David Butters , the committee has decided that their faithful followers should be the ones to vote on the club 's fate .
6 Evans , missing for over a season after failing to agree a contract with Saints , has been caught playing for Grenoble against Toulon .
7 McGrath , who made his peace with Charlton after failing to join the squad for the game in Albania two weeks ago , is the only change from the team that won that match 2–1 in Tirana .
8 The centre manager later resigned after failing to stop the case going to court where Ben was put on probation .
9 A man has been fined £1200 after failing to display a car parking ticket .
10 AFTER failing to give the kiss-of-life to Top of The Pops the Beeb now seem hell-bent on wrecking Radio One .
11 Although the enterprise flourished , Elizabeth Malleson remained convinced that adult education ought not to be organized on a single-sex basis and , after failing to persuade the Men 's College to merge , converted the Women 's College to coeducation in 1874 .
12 Three-quarters of the workforce was sacked after failing to accept a management plan which involved a wages freeze and benefit cuts .
13 On April 11 the motion , the 11th since Rocard came to power in 1988 , was defeated 289-261 after failing to win the support of the Communist Party ( PCF ) .
14 First elected to the lower house of the Diet in 1958 , Abe had been Chief Cabinet Secretary in 1977 and , after failing to win the party leadership in 1982 , he served as Foreign Minister between 1982 and 1986 .
15 A dying man and his family are again facing eviction from their home after failing to raise the money to pay off mortgage arrears .
16 WHITEHAVEN and Workington are eyeing Kiwi halfback Clayton Friend , who is on a weekly basis at Carlisle after failing to secure a contract .
17 Graham Gooch leads the senior side to India and Sri Lanka , but after failing to make an impact in the Test team during the series against Pakistan he seemed more likely to go on his third A-team tour , this time to Australia .
18 Matthew Rider , 20 , of Foster Road , Great Totham , also faces two charges of failing to stop after an accident and two charges of failing to report an accident , and one of having a false number plate on the car he was driving .
19 The instructions which come with a video recorder tend to be expressed in an amiable pidgin Japanese , but the citizen who misunderstands them suffers no worse fate than that of failing to record the programme that he wants , unless and until his ten-year-old grandson can be prevailed upon to work the thing for him .
20 He accused Clarke of failing to fund the science base properly , suppressing the advice of the Advisory Board to the Research Councils , neglecting the supply of science teachers and failing to provide a European dimension .
21 MARK HATELEY last night accused Graham Taylor of failing to earn the respect of high-profile international players .
22 The releases were temporarily suspended in late July when each side accused the other of failing to respect the terms of their agreement .
23 Several laws have been passed in modern times to restrict dangerous activities and to impose criminal sanctions on citizens who fail to protect themselves against injury — for example , the offences of failing to wear a safety helmet when riding a motor cycle , and failing to wear a safety harness when travelling in the front seat of a car .
24 Doctors protect themselves against even the remote possibility of failing to spot a disease and being sued for it by sending their patients for every test in the book .
25 She could have been speaking of failing to spot an acquaintance in a crowd .
26 By not considering the results of case management practice and research in greater depth and learning more about the value it has for the most needy clients of the health and welfare system , we are in danger of failing to learn the lessons which others have learned , and of having to re-live their mistakes .
27 Iraq was accused by the United States administration of failing to meet a UN July 25 deadline to give a full disclosure of its nuclear capabilities .
28 The driver refused and was in due course convicted by justices of failing to provide a specimen without reasonable excuse .
29 He had , however , been accused of failing to prevent the assassination of three presidential candidates [ see pp. 36844 ; 37312 ; 37371-72 ] .
30 Islington SSD has been accused of failing to follow the complaints procedure specified under the Children Act after allegations of abuse in a home for refugee children .
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