Example sentences of "[prep] the [noun] you 'd " in BNC.

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1 ‘ If you worked for the Times you 'd have known John .
2 And then they 'd throw you to whatever man happened to be passing for the money you 'd earn for them . ’
3 then you can go to indirect pressure and try to control the flow of bleeding by using indeed direct pressure , away from the wound , but where an artery , okay , is running near a bone , so you can compress the artery against the bone squash it hard , and for the arm you 'd use this one under here called the breaking now press , move your biceps muscle away and press underneath there , you can perhaps try to feel it for yourself , did you do that this morning or not ?
4 A few months ago I asked you to write to the magazine with your queries about Silver machines , and suggestions for the subjects you 'd like me to write about .
5 If it were not for the fact that he was one of the favourites you 'd have been delighted but as a Gold Cup winner I had to feel a bit disappointed .
6 And if you were well in with the staff and the owners of the quarry you 'd have more bonus .
7 Do some of the things you 'd know !
8 That 's a massive outlay , and you could talk about relative values till the cows come home , but whatever your conclusions on that score , you 'd have to concede that this would be a superb setup , and with the TriAxis at the heart of the system you 'd be pumping out large quantities of excellent sounds …
9 Think , think of the person you 'd least like to find yourself becoming .
10 write the name of the person you 'd like to see manager on a postcard and send it to Pick the Manager …
11 write the name of the person you 'd like to see manager on a postcard and send it to Pick the Manager …
12 And are there any bits of the course you 'd rather not have done ?
13 and I thought come into my head , it 's probably complete rubbish but it seems logical at the time which was , if you got rid of er , a lot of the various taxes that they paid and put everything on to VAT , apart from the fact that you 'd be a few , just by upping the rate of VAT they would collect the extra monies , you 'd save a lot of the money you 'd pay in administration costs by , all the various different departments er
14 That would I mean that would determine which day of the week you 'd try and do it probably would n't it ?
15 As our top-of-the-range freestanding cooker , the Eclipse is furnished with all of the features you 'd ever imagine .
16 Many of the features you 'd find in other packages simply are n't there .
17 Many of the features you 'd expect from fully-blow programs , like Symantec Timeline , are missing .
18 Things are changing but not with the speed you 'd like . ’
19 If you left this anywhere left it behind and came away it would be lost in the system you 'd never see it again .
20 something which is no longer in the procedure you 'd leave it in crossed out .
21 Er , well as in the English you 'd probably say if you did n't study philosophy , you 'd say were identified as Venus , but it 's not the same thing .
22 Erm tells you a lot it would n't erm if somebody hit you in the back you 'd still move if you had the handbrake on .
23 So I asked them in the lodge like do n't do any damage and Tom was in e he gave them a good lecture so and the lads in the lodge said , Well look you tell them as well not to do this attitude and perhaps you 've seen it on these flumes when they saw a crowd that was there they were changing gear with the Land Rover and through you know like anybody in the way you 'd be underneath .
24 if you have n't if you 're just trying to remember every word there is in the dictionary you 'd be there all your life and you 'd still never remember them all .
25 And the last thing in the world you 'd want would be to give up this opportunity Monsieur Verveine has given you .
26 To enter simply answer the question relevant to the CD you 'd most like to win .
27 Just try and remember what we were doing but the pig about resistance is it 's one over and think ooh we 're all into weird fractions and everything seems to work the opposite way round to the way you 'd expect it .
28 When you got to the station you 'd see groups of theatricals .
29 Oh goodness yes there 's mud , there was like Cliff Quay you had , you had your mud and when you come to chalk and further down the river you come to ballast near , near Al near the Albridge and further down you come to peat , then you come to green clay , then you come to Cattoes you c you start to dredge ballast again , Pinn Mill you 'd dredge ballast and then right away down to the sea you 'd dredge ballast .
30 But perhaps those three are the ones you 'll , if it was a new person coming in to the job you 'd concentrate on that would n't you ?
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