Example sentences of "[prep] the [noun] to london " in BNC.

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1 InterCity , which is responsible for the Norwich to London 125 service , was halted by the one-day strike , as were trains run by Network Southeast and Regional Railways .
2 Buses placed on standby for the journey to London were n't needed , and the roads were less congested than usual .
3 I had the chance to audition for the transfer to London cast of Another Country which requires young actors to play seventeen-year-olds .
4 To take out the insurance , a solicitor simply completes a form from the pad supplied and sends a cheque for the premium to London & Professional Indemnity .
5 At about this time Peter Barlow was promoting the idea of a network of underground railways as the solution to London 's street-traffic problems .
6 Peter pictured Kate and Julian in the little red sports car , hurtling through the sunshine to London on a straight , empty road .
7 The passenger-carrying airline pilot , the scientist operating the nuclear reactor , the chemist in charge of research into the possible effects of , for example , Thalidomide , the driver of the Manchester to London express , the driver of an articulated lorry full of sulphuric acid , are all in a position in which one failure to maintain the proper standard of professional skill can bring about a major disaster .
8 Yesterday , the couple were apart as Diana lunched at the Brazilian embassy , with her close friend Lucia Flecha de Lima , wife of the ambassador to London .
9 The proximity of the College to London with its many places of interest offers the opportunity also for family parties as there will be a limited number of places available for this purpose .
10 They brought me down that day from Edinburgh , bundled me into a transit van with seats but no windows , handcuffed to a big quiet London lad who would n't talk to me at all and did n't even say much to the other two cops in the back of the transit just sat staring ahead and we seemed to drive all night just stopping once at some service station on the Ml , took a while to arrange everything , then they came in with a selection of cans of soft drinks and sandwiches and pasties and pork pies and chocolate and we all sat there munching then they asked me did I need the toilet and I said yes and they opened the door and it was straight over the grass into the gents ' toilets , two cops guarding the door and some men , looked like truckers , standing watching me , waiting for their turn after I 'd had my private visit ; only wanted a pee but I could n't do it even though the big lad was n't actually watching just having him standing there handcuffed to me was enough so they checked the stalls and then took the cuffs off me and I had to leave the door open a crack while I went , then back out and I see the other cop cars Christ a Range Rover and a Senator too I 'm a fucking VIP , then it 's into the van and on with the journey to London where the questioning starts ; they 're concentrating on Sir Rufus 's murder , for now , because they found a card a fucking business card in the woods near the burned cottage ; not mine that would have been too obvious but a card from a guy I know on Jane 's Defence Weekly with some scribbled notes on the back :
11 They mounted their horses and made their way quietly up snow-packed Billingsgate , turning left into the approaches to London Bridge .
12 Extra vehicles were brought onto the Oxford to London route , but they were n't necessary .
13 He took the Underground due east to the Bank , then the Northern Line under the Thames to London Bridge .
14 It will pass through Folkestone and Ashford then under the Thames to London .
15 But , in the early days of production on the site , an order sent off from the mill to London was accidentally read and returned as tweed .
16 Virtually everywhere from the Highlands to London 's suburbs , main line and local , passenger trains were steadily busier , the total number carried exceeding that of pre-Beeching days when the system was much larger .
17 Daniel Defoe saw fish transported live from the Fenland to London ‘ in great butts fill 'd with water in waggons as the carriers draw other goods ’ .
18 While the citizens of Amiens demonstrated in favour of the High Speed Line from Paris to the Channel Tunnel serving their city , the rural stockbrokers of Kent revolted against the idea of an equivalent new railway from the tunnel to London .
19 Again , the staithes or private quays in the estuaries of many East Anglian villages were used to send hay or grain direct from the farm to London or the North in barges which brought back town-manure from London or coal from the North .
20 Annesley Brittanias did not normally venture away from the Nottingham to London semi-fasts but 70048 had worked a freight to Staveley .
21 Until the 1840s the supply of coal from the area to London was tightly and effectively controlled as a virtual monopoly .
22 It was — is , I should say — an old concern , going back to the days of coastal ketches and collier brigs , and was founded by the great-grandfather of the present chairman to bring coal from the Tyne to London .
23 The steam narrowboats which operated from the Midlands to London could carry only 12 tons but could tow an unpowered ‘ butty ’ boat behind .
24 The new novel has married the pair and moved them on into the mid-Sixties and from the provinces to London , where Patrick works misgivingly in a fashionable publishing-house .
25 Margaret Townsend had spend some time helping her sister with the large growing family , especially during the frequent pregnancies , and she had lived with the poet 's mother in Stow Hill , Newport , until the move to London .
26 Boat-haling demanded enormous cooperative effort and trips down the river to London could take anything from nearly two to eight weeks when drought , flood , frost or wind made the going difficult or impossible .
27 He switched the radio on and they drifted through the night together , flying over the miles to London .
28 More than 45 firefighters were called to the scene at Preston Brook on the M56 in Cheshire after the tanker carrying kerosene crashed on to the Liverpool to London line .
29 She wished the journey could last forever instead of ending , as it must do , when she stepped back on to the plane to London on Monday morning .
30 The original departure from West Hampstead was delayed because of repairs to fire damage to the signalling systems on the approach to London 's St Pancras station and they reached Crewe around 40 minutes late .
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