Example sentences of "[prep] be [adv prt] [prep] date " in BNC.

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1 But in even-handedly denouncing ardent Europhiles and Europhobes as ‘ superannuated Sumo wrestlers ’ he was , in effect , accusing Downing Street of being out of date — even on worker participation in industry and the Social Charter .
2 Publication date for the directory was last month and the editorial listing for Hanson appears to be up to date .
3 It was good to be up to date with the entering .
4 Hers was high-level popularization ; at other levels were such elementary works as Jane Marcet 's Conversations on Chemistry , ( 1806 ) and Samuel Parkes ' Chemical Catechism , ( 1806 ) though both these reckoned to be up to date with new discoveries such as those of Davy .
5 And do not expect them to be up to date — if you carry on reading Practical PC you might soon know more about state of the art computing than the tutor .
6 Encourage members to be up to date in risk assessment and management by inclusion of appropriate initial education and continuing professional development .
7 Please let the office know about any alterations when they happen ( we like to be up to date ! ) .
8 But a lot of people would say of course that it is of such importance , that we really ought to be up to date with exactly what 's going on , after all this is happening on our behalf .
9 The problem with all ongoing lists is that they are liable to be out of date almost from the day they are compiled .
10 History books are often considered to be out of date on the day of publication !
11 Technological change is something that the personal computer industry is only too familiar with ; buy the latest home computer this week and it 's likely to be out of date within six months !
12 With ever changing legislation and medical progress , the handbook is destined to be out of date after a relatively short life .
13 Really but er to be out of date
14 Service managers are waking up to the value of experienced nurses whose understandable reservations about being out of date with current ideas and technologies prevent them from taking up their careers again .
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