Example sentences of "[prep] the journey to [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The most prominent of the dayis were captured and beheaded , their heads being sent to the sultan ( except for one which was carried away by the Danube whilst being washed by a gypsy in preparation for the journey to Istanbul ) .
2 I 'd better stop now , as I have to prepare speeches & songs for this evening , and also pack for the journey to Shanghai tomorrow .
4 The fish were duly caught and placed one to a box , and taken to my friends home , to await their final packaging for the journey to England .
5 Arriving in tltis self-proclaimed cultural centre of Australia , we had 30 minutes ' stopover while the big Australian National Railway diesels were uncoupled and a new pair attached for the journey to New South Wales .
6 They 're on board an air ambulance which has just landed in Ancona , where they 'll meet the evacuees and prepare them for the journey to Britain .
7 Buses placed on standby for the journey to London were n't needed , and the roads were less congested than usual .
8 They draw weapons and kit , check it , then into the transport for the journey to Hankley Common , an Army training area near Aldershot .
9 Great Central stress that anyone wishing to use the facilities MUST be in possession of a ticket for the journey to Leicester and day rovers , platform tickets and lineside permits will not be valid after 6 p.m .
10 Nearer and nearer the squares came to the picture until there were only four left and Ferdinando made himself ready for the journey to Leghorn , where he would take over Gigia and Oreste from Mr Ogilvy , who continued to Rome , and see one to Florence and the other to Siena .
11 Mustering for the journey to Hades ' halls .
12 Either group could stalk the adventurers during the journey to Castle Drachenfels .
13 Not that there had been anything problematical about the journey to La Paz — just the normal anxieties .
14 He asked for prayer about the journey to Jerusalem , knowing the tensions that existed between the Christians who had been of the Jewish faith , and those who were converted Gentiles .
15 The 795-page catalogue is worth the journey to Venice by itself , and is likely to remain the layman 's definitive Celtic history book for some time to come .
16 For most of the journey to Barnswick Ruth deliberately tried to think of nothing , to let her mind go blank .
17 Similarly a few lines further on , in the description of the journey to Golgotha , the long version has " goost , swete Ihesu out of Ierusalem toward " ( p.99 ) , where the interjection of " swete Ihesu " interrupts the action of the scene and lends the whole description a devotional tone .
18 I wo n't bother with the details of the journey to China — except to say it was a bit of an ordeal , as the British Caledonian airplane broke down at Karachi ( an axle broke on landing ) , and so we were kept endlessly waiting around .
19 This passes through a mile-long avenue of noble Scots pines ( denuded by a recent fire ) soon after leaving the village , crosses a bare upland with views of the mountains of Coulin Forest , and is joined by a road from Applecross for the last stage of the journey to Lochcarron ; our itinerary will join it at the junction after a tour of the Applecross peninsula which follows below .
20 For the purpose of saving her , Ransom ( veteran of the journey to Malecandra in Out of the Silent Planet ) is actually made a Ransom for her , a sort of Christ figure sent to wrestle with the wicked scientist Weston who tries to bring about the Fall on the newly inhabited planet Venus .
21 Except to tell me to stop or to go on neither of them spoke throughout the whole hour of the journey to Amsterdam .
22 As the trucks made to leave the following day for the final part of the journey to Arcady , Cabochon asked Ari if he could speak with her , and then told her about what he feared waited in Arcady for him .
23 Although widely described as boat people , a large number of the January arrivals had made most of the journey to Hong Kong aboard Chinese buses , only boarding boats for the last leg of their journey .
24 In all the legends or tales of the journey to individuation and knowledge , the liminal mover always returns to the centre and is reconstituted into structure .
25 But his description of the journey to Jerusalem is even closer to the Ascent of Mount Carmel , described in the sixteenth century by St John of the Cross .
26 The movement is the condition of being in time : and the most sustained metaphor for this process of profiting in grace , that of the journey to Jerusalem , is one with immediate connotations for the medieval reader .
27 The peculiar nature of this journey , that the willed progress is experienced as a divine gift , is a consequence of this theology : In chapter twenty-four Hilton uses the repetitions and cadences of rhetoric to convey this recognition of the activities of a God whose powers are conceived in Trinitarian terms of creating giving and responding in love at the heart of the self : At this point Hilton widens the scope of the metaphor of the journey to Jerusalem — the knowledge of Christ in the soul — by warning that the way from the light of the world to the light of heaven leads through darkness which he describes as " a tymeful space bitwix two daies " ( 24.89v. – 234 ) .
28 They brought me down that day from Edinburgh , bundled me into a transit van with seats but no windows , handcuffed to a big quiet London lad who would n't talk to me at all and did n't even say much to the other two cops in the back of the transit just sat staring ahead and we seemed to drive all night just stopping once at some service station on the Ml , took a while to arrange everything , then they came in with a selection of cans of soft drinks and sandwiches and pasties and pork pies and chocolate and we all sat there munching then they asked me did I need the toilet and I said yes and they opened the door and it was straight over the grass into the gents ' toilets , two cops guarding the door and some men , looked like truckers , standing watching me , waiting for their turn after I 'd had my private visit ; only wanted a pee but I could n't do it even though the big lad was n't actually watching just having him standing there handcuffed to me was enough so they checked the stalls and then took the cuffs off me and I had to leave the door open a crack while I went , then back out and I see the other cop cars Christ a Range Rover and a Senator too I 'm a fucking VIP , then it 's into the van and on with the journey to London where the questioning starts ; they 're concentrating on Sir Rufus 's murder , for now , because they found a card a fucking business card in the woods near the burned cottage ; not mine that would have been too obvious but a card from a guy I know on Jane 's Defence Weekly with some scribbled notes on the back :
29 In Hilton it represents stages in the journey to God when the soul is no longer engaged with worldly things and as it were asleep to sin ( 24.90r. – 235 ) but is not yet fully illuminated by the knowledge of Christ : The experience of the dark can be either painful or restful : painful in so far as the soul is still troubled by the pressures of the worldly attractions from which it is hiding ; or restful in so far as the soul is waiting untroubled in its longing for Christ .
30 He was not expected at Bramshill until after luncheon and had planned to take his time over the journey to north Hampshire , visiting churches at Sherborne St John and Winchfield and lunching at a pub near Stratfield Saye before arriving at Bramshill in time for the usual courtesies with the Commandant before his two-thirty lecture .
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