Example sentences of "[prep] the right to [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The joint HDUR and UVR talks ended on March 24 and called for respect of rights of nationalists and minorities , for the right to education in a mother tongue and for an unbiased bilingual media to assess accurately recent disturbances .
2 The National Council for Women 's ‘ Charter for Women 's Health ’ launched in September calls for the right to knowledge , participation in health-care decisions , opportunity for choice , provision for quality care , accessible health care & the right to a healthy lifestyle ( All issues that the NCT has been working towards for a long time ) .
3 The victory of Gantt , a liberal who professed support for the right to abortion , and opposed the death penalty and high defence spending , meant that he would face Republican Jesse Helms , the right-wing conservative incumbent who , in his three terms in the Senate , had campaigned prominently against civil rights , federal spending and permissiveness .
4 They consider whether the aims of the decision-maker conflict with basic rights and freedoms , such as the right to equality , to liberty or to freedom of speech .
5 Employers must acquaint employees of their rights under the employment protection laws , such as the right to maternity leave and the right to take time off for trade union activities ( see below ) .
6 Thus article 10 requires a balancing exercise to be conducted : the balance in this case is between the right to freedom of expression and such restrictions as are necessary in a democratic society for the protection of the reputation of a non-trading corporation which is also a public authority .
7 It was not a question of the right the child had after conception , but of the right to compensation which commenced when she was born .
8 Among the other provisions of the Pearson agreement were the recognition of the right to self-government for Canada 's native Indian and Inuit populations , and a commitment to reduce barriers to inter-provincial trade .
9 Among the other provisions of the Pearson agreement were the recognition of the right to self-government for Canada 's native Indian and Inuit populations , and a commitment to reduce barriers to inter-provincial trade .
10 THE GREAT modern , moral questions of the right to life and the right to death will dominate what may be a landmark session of the US Supreme Court which begins this week .
11 The limitation of the right to asylum does nothing to improve the status of 6.5m foreigners already in Germany , most of whom are long-time residents .
12 The Social Democrats once said that a new citizenship law should accompany any restriction of the right to asylum .
13 Conscientious objection to military service is recognised by the United Nations as a legitimate exercise of the right to freedom of thought , conscience and religion .
14 The exercise of the right to freedom of expression under article 10 may be subject to restrictions ( as are prescribed by law and are necessary in a democratic society ) in relation to certain prescribed matters , which include ‘ the interests of national security ’ and ‘ preventing the disclosure of information received in confidence . ’
15 The exercise of the right to freedom of expression under article 10 may be subject to restrictions ( as are prescribed by law and are necessary in a democratic society ) in relation to certain prescribed matters , which include ‘ the interests of national security ’ and ‘ preventing the disclosure of information received in confidence . ’
16 Assignment of the right to payment of the sum of money in a bank account is to be distinguished from the more usual means by which a customer transfers money to someone else .
17 With the court having recently begun to reverse key aspects of civil rights legislation and to undermine the constitutional foundation of the right to abortion , many liberals opposed the appointment of Thomas .
18 The case brought under this law , Planned Parenthood of Southeastern Pennsylvania v. Casey , involved a further examination of the constitutional protection of the right to abortion contained within the 1973 landmark ruling , Roe v. Wade .
19 Suicide and attempted suicide ceased to be a crime when the Suicide Act 1961 became law , in recognition of the right to self-determination , but there remains an offence of aiding , abetting , counselling , or procuring the suicide of another which carries a maximum penalty of fourteen years ' imprisonment .
20 Once expressly absolved , then by operation of the general principle of the right to self-determination , the other would incur no liability for the consequences of the absolution .
21 According to the Sunday Island interview , Vellupillai Prabhakaran proposed negotiations under UN auspices , without preconditions ( but with insistence on the recognition of the right to self-determination of the Tamils ) .
22 The Court continued by asserting that the nature of the right to privacy must be such as to ensure the dignity and freedom of an individual in the type of society envisaged by the constitution , namely , ‘ a sovereign , independent and democratic society ’ .
23 The foundation of the right to property is the will of God …
24 ‘ We would expect a Labour government to sweep away all those laws which conflict with the right to union recognition , which conflict with the social charter , and which conflict with the conventions of the International Labour Organisation , such as banning unions at GCHQ , Cheltenham , and banning collective pay bargaining for teachers . ’
25 Denktash insisted that a future federal constitution recognize the Turkish Cypriots as a separate people with the right to self-determination ( with its implication of possible secession and partition ) .
26 The social strategy must therefore include full rights for employees , including the right to information and consultation about their company 's plans , particularly regarding a possible takeover or merger .
27 This grading of the offences may be seen as a compromise between the compassionate elements in the offences , which are related to the right to self-determination , and the need to protect the vulnerable from persuasion on such a crucial matter as the ending of life , an argument also derived from the right to self-determination .
28 The outcome was clearly welcomed by those with liberal sentiments : for however much one may deplore the sexual activities of young teenagers , there can surely be little doubt that the protection of such a girl from an unwanted pregnancy must be a matter of primary importance , and , therefore , if need be , have precedence not only over the right of parents to give or withhold consent , but even over the right to information regarding their child , for whom they are legally responsible .
29 It was proposed that the president be elected for two years without the right to re-election .
30 Without the right to asylum , Germany thus becomes much like the other members of the European Community , whose ministers met on June 1st to try to devise a common system for dealing with refugees .
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