Example sentences of "[prep] the same time making " in BNC.

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1 On some days Marcus said nothing to him at all , while at the same time making it , without word or gesture , clear that his presence was helpful .
2 I advised his parents to make their son 's temper tantrums unrewarding ( indeed costly ) while at the same time making co-operative behaviour highly beneficial to him .
3 A more advanced technique involves camouflaging the real eye while at the same time making the false eye truly spectacular , with a huge black ‘ pupil ’ surrounded by a bright white eye-ring .
4 The death of Gay News provoked a considerable growth in out-of-London calls for information no longer available in that magazine 's supplement , while at the same time making it far more difficult for us to obtain the information the callers needed and throwing an internal emphasis on that side of our work .
5 It did something about corruption , by bringing in a new civil-service law which makes officials more accountable for their actions while at the same time making them freer of party patronage .
6 That interpretation of an extent is consistent with Anderson 's arguments , if one assumes that working-class life in Lancashire towns was more stable in the later period and somewhat less harsh , removing the absolute necessity for short-term instrumental calculation , while at the same time making predictions about the likelihood of reciprocal support in the future more reliable .
7 ‘ The battle ’ hovers over the individual actions like in incorporeal cloud , distinct from them , but at the same time making up a surface of their meaning-effect , a simulacrum that brings the event into being at the moment when language and event coincide .
8 As American supplies could only effectively reach the British , the American economy became heavily involved with that of the Allies , benefiting them and at the same time making considerable profits for American businessmen .
9 I know it happens in individual subjects and there 's the element of repetition but , you are at the same time making them reflect over a certain period and say I have not entirely wasted my time , there maybe some youngsters for whom it will be extremely difficult , and I except that but my thinking is that is you look hard enough you can find something that everybody has done at whatever level that they can take some pride in .
10 But pluralists , like Shils , would put any conflict , even the most profound , into the context of societal integration , to the extent that one can not speak about society without at the same time making statements about the integration of society .
11 We wanted to organise the teachers effectively , to improve their lot economically while at the same time making a cultural contribution to the community ’ .
12 Nasser 's lower-middle-class background contributed to the widening of his political interests beyond those imaginable to the fellahin , the peasantry ; while at the same time making him aware of the latter 's situation , and the political and economic oppression suffered .
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