Example sentences of "[prep] all [art] hard [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 We thought he was wasting his time after all the hard work and studying he had done , ’ says Brian Gedge .
2 ‘ I 'm having a little rest after all the hard work .
3 Of course , after all the hard work and extensive consultations carried out by the Mandate Review Committee , it was matters of the mandate that aroused most interest .
4 After all the hard work the businesses put in , were the angels impressed ?
5 Randolph 's heart sank , after all , he thought that he deserved a red nose after all the hard work he did last night , helping the other reindeers to deliver presents .
6 Above all , August is a month to take some time out to relax in the garden and reap the rewards of all the hard work you put in earlier in the season .
7 In spite of all the hard work she began to put on a little weight .
8 Why should I leave it now and let someone else inherit the benefits of all the hard work ? ’ he asks .
9 Christina sighed , thinking of all the hard work and commitment , and the toll that building and operating Crystal Springs had taken on their marriage .
10 If I ca n't get promotion on the basis of all the hard work I 've done for the organisation over the last five years then I do n't know how I can get it .
11 Miss Braithwaite expressed her appreciation of all the hard work undertaken by the retiring Vice-Chairman , Mrs. Ann McMillan and said how much she regretted that Ann was unable to be present at the meeting because of her admission to hospital .
12 It was worth all the hard work that we had put into it because it got that we used to use the town park towards the latter part of Barnardos day and all the men that we had gathered together used to have to erect every piece of fence to enclose like it is now , the park , is enclosed now with with fencing the men that were helping us did that all voluntarily !
13 But it was worth all the hard work .
14 Dear boy , I kept myself going , you see , through all the hard work , just by thinking of you .
15 For all the hard work on his and Sir David 's part , however , this proved too harsh a deadline ; but then with Mr George 's conference ending yet again in indecision , his lordship set his sights on a further great conference scheduled to take place in Switzerland the following year .
16 She sent us a draft copy and she deserves success for all the hard work she has put into researching the variations in tension which occur from one make of machine to another .
17 I want to fight the best people and to be given respect for all the hard work I 've put into boxing , particularly in the gym . ’
18 In general , the very positive nature of parental responses was a lovely pat on the back for all the hard work staff had put in .
19 At the last meeting of Nether Wyresdale Parish Council I was asked to write and thank you for all the hard work you have put in to make the centre of Scorton look so nice .
20 I should like to thank everyone in the Division for all the hard work which has gone into making 1990 a year of significant progress .
21 I think that erm er my thanks obviously through , through erm Alan and the meeting for all the hard work that those officers have put it and for their willingness to stand again .
22 I 'd also like to add a great thanks to the retiring executive committee for all the hard work that they 've done during the past year .
23 We would also like to thank him for all the hard work he put into Lee Green .
24 Right : The Gazco Log Fire means you can enjoy watching flames flicker over the logs without all the hard work
25 Without all the hard work done by BNFL , NE , SN and the AEA with their Visitors Centres up and down the country , papers like the Daily Mirror and the Daily Star could threaten many thousands of jobs in the nuclear industry and many more thousands which are supported indirectly .
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