Example sentences of "[prep] which we shall [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 We do not seek a quick ‘ one-off ’ sale , after which we shall disappear from your life for ever .
2 I shall allow questions to continue until 4.30 , after which we shall have to move on to the debate .
3 This was most clearly shown by Paul Dirac 's formulation of the general principles of quantum theory , of which we shall give some account in the following chapter .
4 It has always been noticed that information technology skills , of which we shall need more and more in the coming years , have tended to lag behind the demand for those skills .
5 Into the vacancy in men 's minds left by the retreat of the centennial myths of Christianity , crept strange cults and substitute faiths , some of which we shall look at in chapter ten .
6 Saussure speaks of semiology ( 1974 : 16 ) as a ‘ science that studies the life of signs within society ’ , a science of which we shall hear more in the chapter on modern French structuralism .
7 He first isolated pure lines of eight paired traits ; of which we shall confine ourselves to the lines of tall ’ and ‘ short ’ peas .
8 Other tribal cosmologies exhibit analogous features some of which we shall consider later .
9 Before we can proceed further we have to grasp a fundamental distinction which the Zande draw between two kinds of occult power , the first of which we shall call ‘ sorcery ’ and the second ‘ witchcraft ’ .
10 There were , and still are of course , immense difficulties in the way of quantifying human phenomena , some of which we shall touch on later .
11 The instrument with which we shall purge our minds is the idea that I call the extended phenotype .
12 All extended proportional series can be broken down into a number of linear series of cells , as in figs. 5.6 and 5.7 , and this is the form in which we shall study them .
13 Once established they underwent a number of evolutionary ‘ bursts ’ in which diverse kinds of reptiles occupied a variety of habitats , the most spectacular of which was the dinosaur radiation in the Mesozoic , to which we shall return later .
14 They will remain fundamental to our concern , and a basic issue to which we shall return at the end .
15 Daraprim ( pyrimethamine ) , a very different substance , evolved some years later from research of more general significance , to which we shall return in the next chapter .
16 This is an important idea to which we shall return .
17 These depredations and the lack of a firm response by corrupt local magnates were to have a violent sequel to which we shall return .
18 When Curteys hit at Lewkenor 's and his associates ' involvement in corn speculation he acted in the tradition to which we shall return , of the magnate 's dispensing reasonable justice , but it was a politically fatal manoeuvre .
19 Apart from political intervention and law-giving , to which we shall return , a steadily more onerous pressure emerged in the form of military service .
20 Finally in this short resumé of the teachers ' predicament , we should mention the more personal factors to which we shall return later in the book : their aspirations , ambitions , values and concerns .
21 The responsibilities of magisterium remain an issue to which we shall return .
22 In addition there is the complex constitutional position of the constable to which we shall return later .
23 Evidently there is a problem , to which we shall return , of the general definition of a causal circumstance .
24 To note a possibility to which we shall return in a moment , it is allowed that a possible world w " might be more like our actual world than a possible world w " even though the laws of our world are to some extent suspended or do not exist in w " and are intact in w " .
25 ( The interpersonal function is something extra to which we shall return in Chapter 8 .
26 It is this creative extendability of the linguistic code that we had in mind in the earlier discussion of deviation and foregrounding ( see 1.4. ) and to which we shall return in 4.6 ; but it is now time to recognize that these are relative , not absolute concepts .
27 The point of this discussion is to bring out the important link between contestability and sustainability , a topic to which we shall return .
28 This question of how much deindustrialization matters is an issue to which we shall return in Chapter 6 .
29 This raises further issues about what is meant by the ‘ importance of manufacturing ’ , and how it should be measured , to which we shall return later .
30 This is an issue to which we shall return at the end of the chapter ; first , however , we must explore the broad classification of degree courses which has emerged from this analysis of their relationship with employment .
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