Example sentences of "[prep] [Wh det] they [vb mod] make " in BNC.

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1 For the purpose of this book , I should like to think of a smallholding as any parcel of agricultural land of up to ( say ) 100 acres , organized to be worked by one or two people , without paid labour , and through which they can make part or the whole of their living .
2 But more appetizing food , e.g. lettuce or carrots , for which they will make an expedition or rob a garden , is flayrah . )
3 This might help them to see his lack of social responsiveness as a symptom of his illness and something for which they should make allowances rather than as an unfriendly act or a personal slight on their company .
4 There is clearly force in this ‘ equal treatment ’ argument , which was later deployed in defence of the Schlunk decision by the United States delegation at a Special Commission of the Hague Conference held in April 1989 ; but as between the United Sates and the German Federal Republic it is German plaintiffs who emerge at a disadvantage , for German law has no doctrine similar to that of involuntary agency of which they could make use .
5 Most of the living cephalopods also have an ink sac which injects a smoky fluid into the water when the animal is threatened , under cover of which they can make their own jet-propelled escape .
6 Women have a natural link between the psyche and the physical , of which they can make valuable use .
7 Their only tools from the outside world were the " parang " , the broad-bladed machete of the East , and a hand-drill resembling an oversized corkscrew , with which they could make all the other tools they required to produce these spectacular Noah 's Arks .
8 First , there were the blue-blooded man-about-town types who had perhaps not — generally speaking — enjoyed the greatest success in their commercial and professional careers , who were restless , and saw executive search as an institutionalised old-boy network , in which they could make the most of their old contacts and make money without the need for major capital investment , and who misguidedly thought that it would be an easy living .
9 They had employment merely for one year and no chance of employment in which they could make long-term plans for buying a house , for retiring and so on .
10 The researcher conducting this case ( Wobbe-Ohlenburg 1982 ) comments that much of the publicity about using robots in factories emphasises the way in which they can make life more pleasant for humans by taking over the dirty , dangerous , or monotonously repetitive jobs .
11 I think that the mass of the people , as far as I can see , want the state where they can er well economic climate in which they can make money for themselves and get on top .
12 In a new pool they often die because the water has not matured and there is insufficient debris on the pool floor in which they can make their home .
13 If objectives from the higher categories of Bloom 's taxonomy are included , where students are asked to make judgements , to criticise and evaluate ; and if students are given a range of objectives from which they may make their own choices and even , at the later stages of training , are encouraged to write their own , then this will go a long way to meeting this criticism .
14 Predictably , they took the parts from which they could make money .
15 They are only interested in what they can make out of it . ’
16 Aberconwy Borough Council said the damage figure passed the point at which they could make requests for financial help to the Government .
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